Last year, the Chum Buddy was featured in The Ithacan’s Accentuate section of the paper. And for good reason — for those of you who don’t know, the Chum Buddy is a stuffed animal/sleeping bag hybrid shaped like a shark. This innovation dares you to sleep in the belly of the beast! You daredevil.

Apparently, wacky sleeping bags are a trend these days. Personally, I don’t think anything could ever top the Chum Buddy (it gets perfect marks in categories of creativity, functionality and pure awesomeness). However, this Slice of Pizza sleeping bag sure is fun. The cheese on this crafty item resembles a fiery yet cozy dairy inferno. It even comes with pillows in the shapes of your favorite vegetable toppings (though I do wish they had left the olives off. Messes with the flavor of the cheese, if you ask me.). There is also a sleeping bag on the market which people have dubbed the sleeping bag Snuggie or a Sleeping Bag Suit. It splits into two legs so that you can stand up and walk around while remaining warm and toasty! But I’d sacrifice this luxury to sleep in a more aesthetically pleasing sleeping bag.
So it’s up to you to decide — on your next camping trip, do you choose to sleep inside a shark’s mouth or in a slice of pizza?