Durst Breneiser/The IthacanFrom left, Mark Alamond, executive chef at Kilpatrick’s Publick House, pulls pork apart while Ithaca College senior Samantha McDaniel prepares to serve a sample to customers.
Ithaca’s first Oktoberfest celebration, modeled after the original festival in Munich, Germany, took place Saturday on The Commons. The event featured beer, music and traditional German food.
Durst Breneiser/The IthacanIthaca Beer Company provided samples of its seasonal Country Pumpkin beer. The pumpkin beer is a harvest ale brewed with pumpkin puree and spices like nutmeg.
Durst Breneiser/The IthacanCortland Beer Company offered a broad selection of its beers with names like Firehouse Pale Ale,Industrial IPA and the Red Dragon Ale. The company’s tent was a popular stop at the festival.
Durst Breneiser/The IthacanFrom left, Joerg Werner, an Ithaca resident originally from Germany, enjoys beer from Cortland Beer Company with Anna Legard, of Ithaca. Both are dressed in traditional German clothing.