The Ithaca College men’s and women’s crew raced for the first time since the fall in an away regatta on April 22. The teams traveled to Worcester, Massachusetts, to take on four other institutions: Colby College, Connecticut College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the University of New Hampshire.
The men’s first Varsity 8 boat came in fourth place overall, finishing with a time of 6:08.35. WPI came in first with a time of 5:58.8.
The Bombers’ second Varsity 8 boat finished second to WPI with a time of 6:16.88.
Finally, the men’s Novice 4 boat came in second place behind WPI with a time of 7:39.88.
The women’s team took on WPI, Colby College, Trinity College, the University of New Hampshire and William Smith College.
The women’s first Varsity 8 boat won their race with a time of 6:40.31. The second Varsity 8 boat also came in first place with a time of 6:59.57, defeating WPI by about seven seconds.
The Bombers’ third Varsity 8 boat finished in third place with a time of 7:26.43 behind WPI with a time of 7:13.25 and UNH who finished with a time of 7:20.11.
In the fourth Varsity 8 race, the Bombers’ finished first again with a time of 7:19.92.
The Blue and Gold will be racing again at 11 a.m. April 29 to take on Colgate College, Hamilton College and Marist College in Clinton, New York.