Fernando Ferraz/The Ithacan
Kurt Lichtman, lecturer in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, dropped the suit he filed against the contingent faculty union.
The lawsuit a faculty member filed against the contingent faculty union, which claimed that the union did not disclose to faculty that they do not have to become official members of the union as a condition of employment, has been dropped.
Kurt Lichtman, lecturer in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, filed the suit through the National Labor Relations Board and said in an email that he decided to drop it. The contingent faculty union sent out an email to its membership, saying that they had the option to be nonmembers and explained their Beck rights in detail, Lichtman said, prompting his decision to drop the suit.
Barney Horowitz, resident officer for the NLRB Albany office, said the lawsuit had been withdrawn before the NLRB could distinguish any wrongdoing on the part of the union had occurred.
Megan Graham, assistant professor in the Department of Writing, said in an email that it was gratifying to see the suit dropped and that if any faculty have remaining questions for the union, she encourages them to reach out and ask.
“We have been and we remain committed to doing what’s best for our membership and answering any questions they have,” Graham said. “Anyone who wants to get more involved in the union is also welcome to come to a meeting and learn more.”