Shawn Steiner/The Ithacan
A Public Safety vehicle drives on Farm Pond Road on its way to the Public Safety office Wednesday afternoon. The Office of Public Safety has extended shifts to increase patrols around campus.
September 18
SCC Drug Violation
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Officer determined fire alarm activation caused by marijuana smoke. Officer judicially referred five people for violating the drug policy. Master Patrol Officer
Bob Jones.
September 19
Motor vehicle accident
SUMMARY: Tompkins County Response reported a two-car property damage motor vehicle accident. Person reported headache and neck pain. Person declined medical assistance with ambulance staff. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Endangering welfare
SUMMARY: Caller reported unattended child left in vehicle. Officer issued person a warning. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 20
Medical Assistance
LOCATION: Hill Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having a seizure. Person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Assistance was provided. Patrol Officer Dylan Hardesty.
Assist State Police
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: New York State Police reported investigating property damage in motor vehicle accident. Assistance was provided. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
September 21
Assist State Police
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Ithaca Police Department reported three people were arrested for noise and open containers. Master Security Officer Wendy Lewis.
Sexual Misconduct
LOCATION: Rowland Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported thirdhand information that known person sexually assaulted another person. Investigation pending. Sergeant Ron Hart.
Petite Larceny
LOCATION: Boothroyd Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole camera. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa.
Criminal Tampering
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Environmental Health and Safety staff reported damage to sprinkler. Officer judicially referred two people for criminal tampering with fire safety equipment. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 22
Suspicious Person
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person putting flyers underneath doors and making unwanted comments to females. Unable to locate reported person. Patrol Officer Jennilee Valentin.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged exit signs. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Recreation Trail
SUMMARY: Officer reported person on trail after hours and in possession of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana.
Medical Assistance
SUMMARY: Caller reported pain in upper arm. Person was transported to the hospital. Assistance was provided. Patrol Officer Jennilee Valentin.
September 23
SCC Irresponsible Use
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person non-responsive. Person declined medical assistance from ambulance staff and was judicially referred for underage possession and irresponsible use of alcohol. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
SCC Underage Possession
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person with open container of alcohol. One person judicially referred for underage possession and open container. Officer judicially referred person responsible. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Recreation Trail
SUMMARY: Officer reported smell of smoke. Officer judicially referred three people for being on trails after hours and starting a fire. Two people were referred for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 24
Medical Assistance
LOCATION: Holmes Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having an allergic reaction. Person transported to hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
SCC Irresponsible Use
LOCATION: Rowland Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person vomiting uncontrollably. One person was transported to the hospital by ambulance and judicially referred for irresponsible use of alcohol. Patrol Officer Jake Tubbs.
Medical Assistance
SUMMARY: Caller reported feeling anxious with elevated heart rate. Person was transported to hospital by ambulance. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
SCC Underage Possession
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported people with alcohol. Three people were judicially referred for underage possession on alcohol. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.