Mikayla Rovenolt/the Ithacan
The APPIC released the draft “Shape of the College” document Jan. 13, which recommended the elimination of 116 full-time equivalent (FTE) faculty positions and 26 major, department and program eliminations.
Ithaca College announced the members of the search committee for a new vice president for finance and administration.
In a Jan. 28 email to the campus community, President Shirley M. Collado stated that the college will launch a search for a new vice president for finance and administration.
In the email, Collado announced that the search committee is chaired by Odalys Diaz-Piñeiro, chief of staff to the president, and that the committee is composed of Susan Bassett, associate vice president and director of the Office of Intercollegiate Athletics; Michael Conover, trustee on the Ithaca College Board of Trustees; Shana Gore, executive director of Student Financial Services; Marc Israel, assistant provost of finance and administrative operations; sophomore Grace Madeya, student representative on the Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee; Chris McNamara, clinical associate professor and clinic director in the Department of Physical Therapy and chair of the Faculty Council; and Jim Yaggie, professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and director of the Human Anatomy Laboratory in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance.
Bill Guerrero, vice president for finance and administration, is leaving his position for a position at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts. Guerrero’s last day at Ithaca College will be Feb. 26.
The college is working with Witt/Kieffer, an executive search firm that has partnered with the college in the past, most recently with the dean searches for the School of Music and the Roy H. Park School of Communications.
In her email, Collado said she will not appoint an interim vice president in Guerrero’s absence. Rather, Tim Carey, associate vice president for facilities, will lead the executive side of the Division of Finance and Administration and will work with Dave Prunty, executive director for Auxiliary Services, and Dave Weil, associate vice president for Information Technology.
Israel will move out of the provost’s office and will become associate vice president for business and finance. The email stated that Israel will keep this position after a new vice president for finance and administration has been hired. His position in the provost’s office will not be filled.
Beth Reynolds, controller for the Office of Business and Finance, will become budget director. Sean Kanazawich, director of Financial Services, will assume the position of controller, Collado said in the email.
“I have full faith in the leadership, talent, and expertise that Marc, Beth, Tim, Dave Prunty and Dave Weil bring to this important transition — and I have full faith in the dedication, work ethic and student-centered orientation that all members of this wide-ranging division bring to their efforts every day,” Collado said in the email.