Eleanor Kay/The Ithacan
When classes started to move online, I was making the trip back from my study abroad program in Rome. When COVID-19 hit, it was worse in Italy before the United States. My stubborn self, already angry about ending my time short, thought I could just go back to normal school in Ithaca after a few weeks, back to my normal sophomore year. Sadly for me, that was far from reality.
Before I went abroad, I finally found my place within the first semester of sophomore year. It was a little late in the game, I know, but I was certainly not one who loved college right off the bat. Leaving at the end of that semester and going abroad was surprisingly challenging for me, even though going abroad was a goal of mine before coming to college.
I was so angry at the world on my plane ride home that March. But, I had a few backup plans I thought would suffice:
Find a time junior year to go back abroad and make up for lost time
Go back to Ithaca College after a few weeks of online school and complete my semester there
Complete my semester online and visit Ithaca for Kendall Day
Turns out, the only plan in store for me was sitting at home for the rest of the semester, taking classes in my room, and never making it to that Kendall Day. For the rest of that semester and the following fall, I learned almost nothing online. My professors were teaching from Italy and giving out A’s solely for showing up.
During the following semester, I was online through Ithaca College. I still learned nothing. Every test was open and I was barely awake during most classes, especially the ones I would attend while sitting in bed. Surprisingly enough, I made it through that semester and actually got good grades. I can pat myself on the back for that even if I used my notes, right?
After almost three semesters online, I was so relieved to hear we were fully on campus. It’s my last year at school, and I want to have this year feel as normal as possible. I am now able to relive my sophomore year self, at Moonies of course, and hug those I missed during our year-long hiatus. School is more draining now, given I actually have to pay attention. But the feeling of being an actual student makes up for it. My schedule is full to the max, with barely any time to breathe, but after a year in my pajamas, I would not have it any other way.