It’s hard to say goodbye to the phenomenal rock band that is Pink Floyd. Its last album before the band broke up may have come out during a time when the majority of current college students were either unborn or in diapers, but it is easy to say it is still one of the most influential rock bands of all time. However, the band gives its fans and itself some much-needed closure with a new album, “The Endless River,” which pays tribute to Pink Floyd band member Richard Wright, who lost his battle with cancer in 2008.
The album has 21 previously recorded and unreleased tracks. The majority of the tracks are instrumental, with multiple tones ranging from calming to angry. The second track on the album, “It’s What We Do,” is a quietly composed, instrumental song with a high-pitched organ combined with low guitar chords and a flawlessly played electric-guitar solo with melodic chords and picked notes throughout. Even without lyrics, the piece has a sense of longing with its slow beats and minor-key instrumentals.
The biggest problem of the album is the lack of emotionally provoking lyrics that are evident in some of the band’s other previously released songs. The song with the most lyrics is “Louder Than Words,” which tells a story about a torn relationship and the challenge of its repair. The longing and patience for the mended relationship is shown in lyrics such as “We could curse it or nurse it and give it a name/ Or stay home by the fire/ Failed by desire/ Stoking the flames/ But we’re here for the ride.” Although the lyrics of the song are thought provoking, they are some of the only ones on the album, leaving the majority of the tracks open for audience interpretation.
The title of the album, “The Endless River,” is the perfect description of Pink Floyd. Even if this is its last album, it will remain an inspiration and influence for rock. “The Endless River” is a great send-off to a enchanting band and a wonderful tribute to a talented performer.