Xinyi Qin
Junior Marissa Kane gave a performance of “Come as You Are Mvt. 1” by Steven Banks at Sigma Alpha Iota’s Musicale on Nov. 4 in Nabenhauer recital room. The group is one of the few professional music fraternities on campus.
M-Lot will be closed Nov. 11 for admissions open house
The college is closing M-Lot on Nov. 11 to accommodate prospective students visiting campus for the admissions open house. The M-Lot is located outside the Athletics and Events Center. The parking lot will be closed from 5 to 11 a.m. Since the lot will be reserved during that time, faculty, staff and students who commute to campus are suggested to give themselves extra time that morning to find alternate parking. Other lots that will be open are S-Lot, Z-Lot and C-Lot. For a complete list of possible parking locations, individuals can utilize the interactive campus map online. Year-round, M-Lot is not available for parking from 1 to 5 a.m.
OSE staff member promoted to new position to assist clubs
The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) has promoted Brittany Watros to the position of student organization business coordinator. Watros was previously the administrative assistant in OSE; the college is currently looking for a replacement to fill this position. In the meantime, anyone who needs help with tabling, quad reservations and other requests should contact [email protected]. Anyone with other unrelated questions for the OSE should contact [email protected]. In her new position, Watros will help recognized student organizations with general needs, like finance and travel. She will also be the new adviser to the Appropriations Committee, overseen by the Student Governance Council.
First-generation students invited to paint and sip program Nov. 10
The First-Generation Center is hosting First Gen Paint and Sip from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 in the Six Mile Creek room in the Campus Center. This event is the final event scheduled for the First-Gen Week, which will take place from Nov. 7 to Nov. 10. This is the first year that the First-Generation Center is hosting this week of events. Anyone with questions or those who require accommodations should email [email protected]. This week of events geared toward first-generation students is an extension of National First-Generation Day on Nov. 8. The nationally recognized day originates from the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965 which was a historical moment for equity in higher education that has since supported students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Professor presents a workshop and lecture at dance conference
Daniel Gwirtzman, assistant professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance Performance, attended the 24th Annual National Dance Education Organization conference titled “Let’s Make Dance Together: Reigniting The Creative Spark.” The conference was held Oct. 29 to 31 in Atlanta. Gwirtzman’s presentation was “Abandoning the French: Reimagining Our Language,” which was an interactive movement workshop combined with a lecture and discussion. In Gwirtzman’s workshop, he argued that Westernized vocabulary — like “plié” and other terms — may be counterproductive for students learning a variety of dance forms.
College to host a Veterans Day celebration in Whalen Center
The college is hosting a Veterans Day celebration for all members of the campus and local community. The event will take place beginning at noon Nov. 10 in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music, followed by a reception in the McHenry Lobby. There will be a featured presentation by the ROTC Tri-Service Color Guard and a music performance by the Ithaca College Treble Chorale, Brass Quintet and Trombone Troupe. The master of ceremonies will be Art Ostrander, dean emeritus in the Department of Music. The keynote speaker will by U.S. Army Major Ari Cohen ’98, who currently works in the Pentagon as a member of the Army Talent Management Task Force. The entirety of the celebration is sponsored by the Ithaca College Veterans Day Committee and the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. More information can be found at www.ithaca.edu/veterans.
Chair massages available during fall semester in Campus Center
The Ithaca Massage Station, a community organization that mobilizes therapeutic massage services, will be providing chair massages on campus throughout the fall semester. The massage chairs are part of the colleges Wellness Wednesday series. The chairs are available from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. every Wednesday in the third floor lounge of Campus Center. To use a chair for 20 minutes, individuals will need to pay $30. Campus members can reserve a massage time through the link available on Ithaca College Intercom. Anyone with disabilities who require accommodations should contact Michelle Goode, program director in the Department of Health Promotion, at [email protected] or 607-274-7933.