Illustration by Ananya Gambhiraopet
The Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, that gives human-like responses to questions and prompts is not as harmful for colleges as some think. It is not the first and definitely not the last AI. In this age of technology, similar AIs are available for different kinds of usage. ChatGPT is somewhat more developed than other transformer AIs by its ability to remember previous prompts, however, it still is not perfectly accurate.
This new AI understandably raises professors’ worries about students cheating on their papers and assignments with the help of ChatGPT. Many professors’ first response is to ban ChatGPT or change their teaching techniques. However, there are a couple of things professors should take into consideration before putting restrictions on ChatGPT usage in their classrooms.
Banning one AI usage and changing teaching techniques will not prevent cheating. There are many ways students can cheat beyond the usage of ChatGPT. The faculty can do only so much, but if students are determined to cheat, they will find loopholes. Certainly, those who cheat must be penalized because falsely obtained grades will still result in good career opportunities in the future. However, banning ChatGPT is not going to help decrease cheating rates much.
On the other hand, technology develops, and more advanced AI is on the way. Over time, banning or restricting them will be impossible. However, trying to work with new technology can have positive impacts. After all, if students start viewing it as an educational tool, they will see it less as a cheating tool.
Professors’ worries about this issue are understandable, however, students are adults who can make decisions for themselves and hold full responsibility for their future. A good professor educates and helps students and how that knowledge will be taken is not on them. It is on students to acknowledge that the tuition they pay is not for cheating, but for getting the best educational experience possible. If students are not worried about their success and prefer dishonest ways of getting things done, why should professors be?