File Photo/The Ithacan
Feb. 6
Medical Assist / Illness Related
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person fainted. The officer reported that the person was escorted to Hammond Health Center.
Forcible Touching No Degree
LOCATION: Textor Circle
SUMMARY: Title IX reported that a person touched another person without consent. Resources and options were offered by Title IX.
SCC Comply W/ID and Directions
LOCATION: Conservatory Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported a vehicle parked in an unauthorized area. The officer reported that a ticket was issued to the owner of the vehicle and one person was referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for failure to comply with directions.
Feb. 7
Medical Assist / Illness Related
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard East
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person having a seizure. The person was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Petit Larceny Over $200
LOCATION: Lyceum Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported an unknown person stole a product from the area. This is a pending investigation.
Petit Larceny Under $50
LOCATION: Campus Center Way
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person stole property. The officer reported no property was stolen. The officer determines the incident was unfounded.
Rape Third Degree
LOCATION: General Area
SUMMARY: A person reported that one person had sexual intercourse with another person without consent. This is a pending investigation.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Lyceum Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported an unknown person fled the area after knocking on a residence door. This is a pending investigation.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: A person reported a verbal argument with two people that occurred in January 2023. This is a pending investigation.
Feb. 8
V&T Leaving Scene of an Accident
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard
SUMMARY: A person reported that a vehicle struck a parked vehicle and left the area. This is a pending investigation.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Textor Circle
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person’s presence caused alarm.
Feb. 9
Medical Assist / Injury Related
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person fell because of slippery conditions and injured their knee and hand. The officer reported the person declined medical assistance.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
LOCATION: Flora Brown Drive
SUMMARY: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards reported two people were referred for unlawful possession of marijuana. The people responsible were referred to student conduct.
SCC Underage Possession of Alcohol
LOCATION: 288 Lyceum Drive
SUMMARY: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards reported two people were referred for underage possession of alcohol. The people responsible were referred to student conduct.
SCC Underage Possession of Alcohol
LOCATION: 288 Lyceum Drive
SUMMARY: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards reported two people were referred for underage possession of alcohol. The people responsible were referred to student conduct.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards reported two people were referred for unlawful possession of marijuana. The people responsible were referred to student conduct.
SCC Underage Possession of Alcohol
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards reported two people were referred for underage possession of alcohol. The people responsible were referred to student conduct.
Petit Larceny Under $50
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: EH&S reported an unknown person stole an exit sign. This is a pending investigation.
SCC Trespass / Tampering Offenses
LOCATION: 100 Block Flora Brown Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported observing a person entering the Natural Lands after hours. The officer reported being unable to locate the person.
Feb. 10
Medical Assist / Injury Related
LOCATION: 121 Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person had passed out. The person indicated they had only taken a misstep and injured their ankle. The person declined medical assistance.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard
SUMMARY: A caller reported an unknown person called them a derogatory name. This is a pending investigation.
Feb. 11
Petit Larceny Under $50
LOCATION: 334 Grant Egbert Boulevard
SUMMARY: An officer reported an unknown person stole the face plates of an exit sign. This is a pending investigation.
Harassment Second Degree
SUMMARY: A person reported that an unknown person sent two derogatory text messages. This is a pending investigation.
Fire Actual Fire / Flame / Ignition
LOCATION: 143 Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported that an electrical fire damaged an elevator system. The fire extinguished itself.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Campus Center Way
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person’s actions were alarming.
Fire Actual Fire / Flame / Ignition
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard East
SUMMARY: A caller reported smoke coming from a microwave. The officer determined that food caught fire and extinguished itself.
SCC Irresponsible Use of Alcohol/Drugs
LOCATION: College Circle
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person having a seizure. The person responsible was referred to student conduct.
Feb. 12
Accidental Property Damage
LOCATION: College Circle
SUMMARY: A caller reported two people near a moped and hearing loud noise. The officer located the moped on the ground. The cause is unknown.
Fire Alarm Accidental
LOCATION: College Circle
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation was caused by a person cooking.
Fire Alarm Accidental
LOCATION: College Circle
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation was caused by a water leak.
Accidental Property Damage
LOCATION: College Circle
SUMMARY: An officer reported a water leak caused damage to a heat detector.
Motor Vehicle Accident / Personal Injury
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Boulevard
SUMMARY: A caller reported a four-car, motor vehicle accident with one person suffering pain to their back and chest. That person was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
SCC Harassment / Intimidation / Endangering
LOCATION: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: A caller reported a person made a derogatory statement toward them. The person responsible was referred to student conduct.