Van Hoang
First-year student Eva Leon ties together a bouquet of dried flowers in the Ithaca College Terrace Quad at a bouquet making and DIY bookmark event hosted by Carly Dudek, Ithaca College Residence Director.
College to test emergency notification and outdoor warning system
The college will test the IC Alert Emergency Notification System (ENS) and Outdoor Warning System (OWS) during the noon hour Sept. 21. The ENS shares information and instructions during an emergency through voice, e-mail and text messages. These notifications are delivered automatically to active college email accounts: student, faculty and staff phone numbers provided to the college through the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) system and office telephones listed in the directory. The OWS shares emergency messages and warnings on campus with an outdoor siren and loudspeaker. The college recommends that campus community members download the free Rave Guardian mobile app for safety resources and use the IC Alert website to update their contact information.
College plans IC Runs Purple 5k to recognize Domestic Violence Month
Ithaca College’s Prevention Education Network and the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management will host the IC Runs Purple 5k, a cross-country run through the Natural Lands, at 9 a.m. Oct. 7. The 5k will mark the end of a month of prevention education events, workshops and campaigns that seek to increase awareness and knowledge of domestic violence. The event proceeds and donations will be donated to the Advocacy Center of Tompkins County.
College to hold Study Abroad Fair
The Fall 2023 Study Abroad Fair will be held from 4:30–7 p.m. Sept. 27 in Emerson Suites. The fair will include information about the Ithaca College London Center and college-sponsored summer and winter study abroad programs and exchange programs. Students can learn about the college’s study abroad partners’ affiliated and non-affiliated programs. Students can also receive study abroad planning assistance and speak with study abroad alumni peer advisers to ask questions and learn about their experiences.
College provides additional lactation spaces in buildings
The college added lactation spaces in four buildings: room 210 in Job Hall, room 59 in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center, room five in West Tower and in the Physician’s Assistant Building, which is located on the Ithaca Commons. Anyone can use the lactation rooms, which are located near bathrooms. Employees have the right to take unpaid break time at least once every three hours, upon request, to express breast milk for nursing children up to three years old, according to the New York State Policy on the Rights of Employees to Express Breast Milk in the Workplace. Additional information can be found on the Office of Human Resources website.
Bi+ Bagel Brunch celebrates Bi+ Awareness Week
The Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services will host a bagel brunch from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sept. 22 in the Towers Concourse to celebrate Bi+ Awareness Week. Attendees can choose from bagels and iced coffee, with vegan and gluten-free options available. Requests for accommodations can be directed to Crissi Dalfonzo at [email protected] or 607-274-7394.
Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management offers free self-defense workshop
The Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management will host a three-hour self-defense workshop from 2–5 p.m. Sept. 22 in the Clark Lounge. The workshop will help participants build basic self-defense and situational awareness skills by using hands-on training to cover topics like risk reduction, the body’s physiological effects and how to create distance during confrontations. Individuals can visit the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management’s website to register for the workshop.
The Center for Career Exploration & Development hosts Graduate & Professional School Fair
The Center for Career Exploration & Development will host a Graduate & Professional School Fair from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Sept. 28 in the Campus Center near the lobby on the second floor. Representatives from more than 50 graduate and professional schools from multiple disciplines and locations across the nation will be available to share information about their programs, including requirements for admissions.
College offers three credit course in Costa Rica during Winter 2024
Students can take the three-credit Sustainable Tourism in Costa Rica course and study abroad in Costa Rica from Jan. 4–18, 2024. The course explores sustainable tourism, a purposeful form of tourism that prioritizes the economy, culture and prosperity of local communities and the relationship with nature. Students will stay in locally run ecolodges as they travel to five areas of Costa Rica with a guide trained in tropical wildlife biology. Students can find the link to apply for the program on the college’s Terra Dotta website and can direct any questions to the course instructor, Linda Heyne, at [email protected]. Applications for the course are due Oct. 1.
All faculty meeting provides updates for campus community
Melanie Stein, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs, invited the campus community to the all-faculty meeting from 12:15–1:05 p.m. Sept. 21 in Emerson Suites. The meeting usually takes place at 12:05 p.m. but was pushed back because of the emergency notification and outdoor warning system test. At the meeting, Stein and other members will discuss student enrollment, the college budget, summer academic onboarding and student success coaches. The meeting will also be livestreamed. For accommodation requests and the livestream link, individuals can contact Stein at [email protected].