Makai Yllanes
From the left, first-year students Romeo Maslin, Niki Weinberger, Daniella Thompson, Joelle Kernen and Jackie Kofron making ginger bread houses at the 'Making Houses for the Ginger-Folks!' event hosted by the First Generation Center at IC Square on Nov. 28.
Reading of “Pasquinades: Essays from Rome’s Famous Talking Statue” by Anthony Di Renzo
Anthony Di Renzo, professor in the Department of Writing at Ithaca College, will conduct a reading of his book “Pasquinades: Essays from Rome’s Famous Talking Statue” at 5 p.m. Nov. 30 in Clark Lounge. The event is hosted by the Departments of Writing and World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the college and by Cayuga Lake Books. The event is free to attend and the book will be available for purchase and signing following the reading. All sales of the book will benefit the Tompkins County Library Foundation. Paperback and Kindle editions of the book are available for purchase on Amazon.
Opioid overdose prevention: free naloxone training and kits
The SouthernTier AIDS Program and the Healing Hearts Collaborative will be coming to Ithaca College from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Campus Center North Foyer to provide naloxone (Narcan) kits and five-minute training sessions for the kits to all students and staff at Ithaca College. The event is free and is hosted by the Alcohol & Other Drugs Team and endorsed by the Center for Health Promotion, Ithaca College Responsibility, JED Campus Committee and the Prevention Education Network. The event is open for RSVP on IC Engage. Individuals who require accommodations should contact Michelle Goode at [email protected] or 607-274-3136.
IC Unbound “Polish” tickets on sale
Tickets for IC Unbound’s Fall showcase “Polish” are on sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Nov. 27 to Dec. 3 in the Campus Center. Tickets on the 27th and the 28th will be sold for $3 and tickets bought from the 28th to the 3rd will be sold for $5. The showcase will take place twice Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. and at 8 p.m. and will feature works by student choreographers in the stylings of jazz, contemporary, hip–hop, tap and musical theater. Individuals requiring accommodations should contact Madison Kramer at [email protected] or (443) 440-1180.
Religion Matters (RLST 10100) open for the Winter 2024 term
The Religion Matters (RLST 10100) is open for the Winter 2024 term and covers what religion is all about by investigating various religious traditions across the globe. Students cultivate skills used in the academic study of religion while exploring issues of belief, atheism, mysticism, morality and sex. The topics of the course may include digital witchcraft, Buddhist militias, Jewish feminists and spirituality in anime. The class is taught by Eric Steinschneider, assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. The course is three credits and will be conducted online, satisfies the Integrative Core Curriculum diversity and humanities credit and is open for all undergraduates.
Cornell Near Eastern Studies Professor gives talk on events in Israel and Palestine
The Department of History and Politics at Ithaca College is presenting a discussion titled “Understating events in Israel and Palestine: A Historical Perspective” at 5 p.m. Nov. 30 in Williams 323. The panel is led by Ross Brann from the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University. Brann studied at the University of California-Berkeley, the Hebrew University-Jerusalem, New York University and the American University in Cairo and has taught at Cornell since 1986. Brann has been the Chair of the Department of Near Eastern Studies for 19 years and has received fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the National Endowment for Humanities, the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Frankel Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan. Individuals requiring accommodations should contact Michelle Foster, executive assistant to the provost, at [email protected] or 607-274-3113.