Illustration by Ananya Gambhiraopet
College should be a center for education and innovation. While this happens inside classrooms, learning has the potential to be limitless when there is an investment in relevant, accessible and large-scale programming.
The 30th Ed Tech Day will take place March 21 in collaboration with the Ithaca College Division of Information Technology and NEYSERNet, a nonprofit internet service provider. The day consists of workshops and presentations on a range of topics from AI, to esports, to classroom technology. This event is free to students and the broader public. This is the first Ed Tech Day hosted since COVID-19, marking a resurgence in crucial campus programming.
Hosting large events on relevant topics like the newest technological advancements establishes the college as a leader in innovation. More importantly, it enables access to networking and presentations that may otherwise be inaccessible to students. From entrance fees to transportation, the cost and effort of attending conferences off campus can become a financial burden that inhibits student growth. By bringing accessible programming to students, the college shows a genuine investment in the college campus.
In addition to Ed Tech, the college hosts other wide-scale public events like Ithacon. Ithacon is an annual comic convention run by students in the School of Business. While this event is not free, student tickets are only $10, which is half the price of regular admission. Not only does this unique event provide niche entertainment for the campus community and the local public, but it gives students the opportunity to organize a real-world, highly anticipated event.
Events like Ed Tech Day and Ithacon are vital to maintaining a creative, ambitious campus community. It is essential that the college continues to invest in already established events while also working to brainstorm other relevant programming that could enhance the student experience.