Grace Vanderveer
Senior Amanda Lewis
I took Intermediate Painting in Fall 2023 and I loved it! The projects that were assigned challenged me to be creative and go outside my comfort zone. Our final project was one of my favorites because we got to paint whatever we wanted and I chose to make two paintings focusing on the beauty of hands.
One painting was of a baby’s hand grasping their mother’s hand, and the other was of intertwined elderly hands. I’ve always had a fascination with hands because I believe they tell the story of peoples lives, so I was glad to convey that belief through this project.
Junior Kalysta Donaghy-Robinson
I loved taking figure drawing because it was such a great course to learn more about drawing the human body and build my skills from a very structural, basic level. I think it is such a great course to be offered at IC, especially since drawing people is a more difficult skill within the art world that requires development and practice!
Junior Roxanna Coburn
Bill [Hastings] makes sculpture so digestible. He takes the time to understand your ideas, and he helps you make them possible.
Junior Isabella Sloan
I took Intro to Sculpture with Professor Bill Hastings and am now in his Intermediate Sculpture class. While I may not enjoy every project, Professor Hastings pushes me out of my comfort zone to work with new materials and expand my ideas. When I started taking art classes, I didn’t like sculpture that much because I struggled with ceramics. But at Ithaca I’ve learned to enjoy using new mediums to bring artworks into the round!