Prakriti Panwar
From left to right, first-year student Hee Jin Cho, Student Success Coach Trisha Mukherjee and graduate student Vaishnavi Devi Kumar take a selfie in their solar eclipse glasses.
Community Service Committee organizes post-graduation panel for students
The Community Service Committee will be organizing a panel and organization fair for students to explore opportunities after graduation from 3 to 6 p.m. April 22 in Clark and Klingenstein Lounge. There will be representatives from organizations like City Year, Peace Corps and AmeriCorps and the panel itself will only last for an hour. In addition to recruiters, students will have the opportunity to engage with faculty and staff from the college who have been involved with these organizations. Some staff panelists include Scott Doyle, director of the Office of Energy Management and Sustainability, talking about AmeriCorps and Samantha Elebiary, associate director of career engagement and education, talking about her experience with the PeaceCorps. Heavy hors d‘oeuvres will be available at the event, and all questions or concerns regarding accommodations should be directed to Elebiary at [email protected] or 607-274-3310.
Mario Kart gaming tournament sponsored by Campus Recreation and IT
Ithaca College’s Mario Kart gaming tournament will be held from 5 to 9:30 p.m. April 17 in Emerson Suites. The tournament is sponsored by the Office of Campus Recreation and the Division of Information Technology and Analytics. Only the first 128 people who register will be able to compete in the tournament, but there will be other activities like a closet cosplay contest, board games and a caricature artist as well. There will also be giveaways throughout the event and some of the giveaway items include a Chromebook and a Nintendo Switch. Free food will be provided to all attendees and Monster Energy Drinks will be tabling at the tournament with merchandise. Interested individuals can register through this link.
LGBT center’s Lavender Graduation open to family and friends
The Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services will be organizing Lavender Graduation from 6 to 8:30 p.m. April 18 in Emerson Suites. Students can choose to attend the ceremony and indicate whether they would like their name to be called out in this form. Graduates who attend will receive rainbow cords and light refreshments will be available as well. Friends and family of graduates are also encouraged to attend the ceremony. All questions and concerns regarding accommodation requests should be directed to Crissi Dalfonzo, director of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services, at [email protected] or 607-274-7394.
The Stop & Breathe week accepting programming suggestions from community
The Mental Health & Awareness Events subcommittee of the JED Campus Initiative is accepting submissions for its Stop & Breathe Week campaign that will be held right before finals from April 30 to May 7. Throughout the week, self-care events will be organized on campus for students to take care of their well-being during high-stress periods. The campus community is encouraged to submit their ideas for programming through this link and all ideas should be submitted by April 16. Past programming has included crafts, fitness and meditation. There will also be raffle opportunities during Stop & Breathe week and for every event that a student attends, they will get a chance to win a self-care item.
PT lab looking for older adults to participate in administration practice for grad students
Physical therapy graduate students at Ithaca College enrolled in the “Motor Development through the Lifespan” class are learning techniques to administer older adults for common physical therapy tests and measures. To practice this, the PT Lab is organizing an Older Adult Lab Day at 1:015, 1:15 or 3:15 p.m. April 23 in Room 207 in the Center for Health Sciences. Participants who volunteer to engage in the lab will also receive a $20 Amazon gift card. To participate, individuals need to be above 65 years of age. Those interested or with more questions should contact [email protected].