Yana Mazurkevich/The Ithacan
Senior Andrea Aguirre puts the finishing touches on her painting in the art department's Creative Space Gallery.
The Ithaca College art department’s first off-campus gallery, which opened its doors last spring, now presents its second installment, “Mutations.” “Mutations” is the second student-curated exhibit for the Creative Space Gallery. The curators of the show, senior Andrea Aguirre and junior Tatiana Malkin, have been working in the gallery as Summer Scholars for the School of Humanities and Sciences. The two students worked with Bill Hastings, mentor and assistant professor of art, practicing and creating art for an end-of-summer exhibit.
“Mutations” deals with the process of societal decay. Part one of “Mutations” ran from July 2 to Aug. 2 and took a pessimistic look at destruction, using dark color schemes and detailed representations. The recent installment, which opened to the public Aug. 7, focuses on the chaotic process of unraveling stability. The full exhibit explores modern-day issues, such as gambling, drug use and natural disasters. Hastings said the exhibit is the culmination of an exciting summer that has shown how much of an impact the Creative Space Gallery is having on the department and on the community.
The Creative Space Gallery is located at 215 E. State St. on The Commons. The gallery is open noon to 5 p.m., Thursday through Sunday.