Yana Mazurkevich/The Ithacan
POC at IC protested at the Ithaca College Open House event on Oct. 24, both in response to an administrative statement put in the folders of all prospective students and to educate Open House attendees on the campus climate. The students issued their own statement to the visitors.
College anticipates Open House Protest
The Ithaca College community embraces free speech and student engagement around real-world problems. Our curriculum encourages investigation of identities, power and justice, and the quest for a sustainable future. We recognize that our community is not immune to the challenges that face our nation or world. You may observe students today actively lending their energy and voices to support a better campus community and stronger culture of diversity and inclusion.
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Diversity and inclusion at Ithaca College
POC at IC hands out Open House statement
We anticipated the appropriation of narratives by a statement provided by the administration to speak for the events that occur on this campus. This statement does not include the voices of the ALANA community. When a community is not allowed to speak for itself, it inherently begins to lose its validity, its power. They have given you a story; we have a different narrative. We hope you are open to hearing perspectives other than that of the administration. If you would like to know more about the POCatIC movement, members of the ALANA community and allies will be gathered at the fountains in front of Dillingham Center.
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Facebook: POC at IC
Hashtags: #POCatIC #ICWhatsGood
*POCatIC stands for People of Color at Ithaca College
*ALANA stands for African, Latino/a, Asian, and Native American students