Amanda Strzykalski/The Ithacan
Members of the Ithaca College and Cornell University ROTC Color Guard gave a presentation of colors at this year's Veterans Day Celebration on Nov. 7 in Ford Hall.
The sounds of patriotic music rang out Thursday in Ford Hall as about 40 students and community members gathered to show their respect at the James J. Whalen Center for Music’s 11th annual Veterans Day Celebration.

Art Ostrander, emeritus dean of the School of Music, began the concert with a speech discussing the history of Veterans Day. Ostrander said Veterans Day began as a celebration of the end of World War I.
“As a veteran, I am happy to participate in this celebration,” Ostrander said. “Veterans Day in France took place on Nov. 11 and brought universal recognition to the ending of World War I.”

Following Ostrander’s opening remarks, Protestant Chaplain James Touchton led the audience in prayer. In his prayer, Touchton said Veterans Day serves to give thanks to the men and women who have served in the military.
“We are gathered here today to honor and give thanks for those who have served our country,” Touchton said. “We, who have benefited from freedom, we honor today family [and] friends for their sacrifices.”
Members of the Ithaca College and Cornell University ROTC Color Guard gave a presentation of colors at the beginning of the ceremony. Five Color Guard members marched onto the stage to present the American flag and the flags of the different branches of the U.S. military

The celebration included performances by the Ithaca Brass Choir and IC VoICes.