In episode 5 of her series focusing on the genre of comedy, host Sydney Brumfield sits down with junior Sara Borsari to talk about the sub-genre of Parody with the 1975 cult classic “Monty Python...
In this episode of ‘Re:Mixing’, host Eva Salzman sits down with Ithaca College juniors, Noah Falk and Rufus Mullhaupt, to discuss how the tracks on their playlist have inspired their own music....
In this episode of The Moon Rises Too, Nijha speaks with friend and fellow Ithaca College student, Makiyah Adams. The two discuss Human Design Types, the philosophies of absurdism and nihilism, and...
In this episode of 'Re:Mixing', host Eva Salzman sits down with Luke Keller, professor of physics and astronomy at Ithaca College, to discuss the inspirations behind his playlist "Mysteries and...
In her fourth episode focusing on the genre of Comedy, host Sydney Brumfield is joined by junior Stephanie Hawkins to discuss “What We Do in the Shadows” (2014). The pair discuss just how bloody...
In episode 3 of her series focusing on the genre of comedy host, Sydney Brumfield sits down with junior Charlie Amand to talk about the sub-genre of farce with “Greener Grass” (2019). Tune in...
In the second episode of her series focusing on the genre of comedy, host Sydney Brumfield talks about “Tower Heist” (2011) with senior Bri Power. Tune in to hear their hot takes and fun insights...
Host Sydney Brumfield kicks off her new mini series focusing on the genre of comedy by talking about the dark humored romantic comedy film “Saving Face” (2004) with senior Queline Meadows. Listen...