March 7
Fire Alarm
SUMMARY: Caller reported vehicle on fire. Caller extinguished fire and Ithaca Fire Department reported cause/origin was mechanical issue. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: Gannett center
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole laptop computer. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
March 8
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: The Office of Public Safety
SUMMARY: Complainant reported laptop computer reported stolen on 03/07/2016 from the Gannett Center was in fact not stolen. Larceny unfounded. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by steam from shower. System reset. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
March 9
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Bogart Hall
SUMMARY: 911 Center reported person threatening to harm themselves. The person was taken into custody under the mental hygiene law and was transported to hospital. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Dan Austic.
Medical Assist
SUMMARY: 911 Center reported person feeling ill and having abdominal pains. The person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Dan Austic.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Ceracche Athletic Center
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by wax melting in kiln. System reset. Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: Campus Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole money. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw.
LOCATION: Terrace 2
SUMMARY: Caller reported physical altercation between two people over property. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: Terrace 2
SUMMARY: Officer reported two people interviewed about harassment complaint reported on
03/09/2016 in Terrace 2. Officer judicially referred two people for harassment. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Safety Hazard
LOCATION: Public Safety
SUMMARY: Officer reported vehicle leaked antifreeze. Officer cleaned spill area. A report was taken. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: Academic Quad
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole sunglasses. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged exit sign. Facilities reported exit sign was not damaged but came loose from ceiling bracket. Criminal mischief unfounded. Master Patrol Officer Don Lyke.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Ben Light Gymnasium
SUMMARY: Caller reported person playing basketball injured ankle. This person declined medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
March 10
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Peggy Ryan Williams Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported person feeling ill. This person was transported to hospital by ambulance. Fire Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
LOCATION: Campus Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole backpack. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.
March 11
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Athletic and Events Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported sprinkler leaking. Officer determined unknown person damaged sprinkler. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: Athletic and Events Center
SUMMARY: Officer investigated criminal mischief to sprinkler reported this day and determined unknown person did not damage sprinkler. Criminal mischief unfounded. Fire Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Bogart Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred two people for underage possession of alcohol and unlawful possession of marijuana. Sergeant Terry O’Pray.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred two people for unlawful possession of marijuana and violation of drug policy. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
March 12
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Clarke Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana and violation of the drug policy. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
March 16
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Wood Soccer Field
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged ticket booth. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Off Campus Incident
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged vehicle. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
March 17
Criminal Tampering
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported missing smoke detector. Officer reported person maliciously tampered with smoke detector. Officer judicially referred one person for responsibility of guest and underage possession of alcohol and a second person was judicially referred for drug violation and tampering with fire equipment. Patrol Officer Dan Austic.
Suspicious Letter
LOCATION: General Services
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person sent suspicious letter. Investigation pending. Sergeant Ron Hart.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Center for Natural Sciences
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by maintenance testing generator. System reset. Environmental Safety Specialist Mark Ross.
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person wrote graffiti on fire extinguisher and moved it. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Don Lyke.
March 18
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Phillips Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person cut finger on package and is unable to get bleeding to stop. Officer provided first aid. A report was taken. Sergeant Ron Hart.
March 19
Criminal Mischief
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged two exit signs and threw a rock through window. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Terrace 7
SUMMARY: Caller reported person vomiting. Person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw.
Suspicious Circumstance
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Complainant reported door open to apartment. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
March 20
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole backpack. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.
Reclassification of Crime
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Officer reported suspicious circumstance incident that occurred at Circle Apartment Building 170 on 03/19/2016 was reclassified to security violation. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
SCC Drug Violations
LOCATION: Holmes Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for violation of drug policy. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported people smoking marijuana. Officer issued one person appearance ticket for the Ithaca Town Court for unlawful possession of marijuana. One person judicially referred for violation of drug policy and responsibility of guest. Another person judicially referred for violation of drug policy. Three people were restricted from the campus. One person taken into custody under mental hygiene law and transported to hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.