September 12
Check on the welfare
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Caller reported person sent alarming email message. Officer determined message was taken out of context. Patrol Officer
Jenny Valentin.
Suspicious Person
LOCATION: Phillips Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person tried to pick up items that were mailed. Items had been returned to the sender address. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
September 13
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by steam from the shower. Fire Protections Specialist Enoch Perkins.
Aggravated Harassment
LOCATION: Garden Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person left threatening voicemail. Patrol Officer Jenny Valentin.
September 14
Medical assist
LOCATION: Rowland Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported having abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Person transported to hospital. Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
Safety hazard
SUMMARY: Officer reported vehicle leaking fluid. Vehicle left scene and spill area cleaned. Environmental Safety Specialist Mark Ross.
LOCATION: Recreation Trail
SUMMARY: Officer reported people on recreation trail after hours. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
September 15
Criminal mischief
LOCATION: Terraces
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged bicycle. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
LOCATION: Recreation Trails
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer reported odor detected and three people warned for being on recreation trail after hours. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
September 16
Fire alarm
LOCATION: Circle Aparments
Summary: Simplex reported fire alarm activated by cooking. Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
Summary: Caller reported unknown person made alarming statement directed at another person. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
september 17
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person made threatening phone calls and text messages. Investigation pending. Sergeant Ron Hart.
Lost property
SUMMARY: Complainant reported wallet lost. Investigation pending. Sergeant Terry O-Pray.
September 18
Criminal Possession
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijana. Officer arrested two people for criminal possession of
controlled substance and issued both appearance tickets to appear in Town of Ithaca Court. These people were judicially rerferred. Master Patrol oFficer Brad Bates.