Gizmos and Gadgets
Techies will surely get their geek on this season with the abundance of tech-savvy toys dominating the market. With prices as low as $15, these quality tech trinkets are perfect for everyone. Fitness fanatics and music junkies alike can jam to beats blasting through customized headsets, while computer nerds can supplement their laptops with cool accessories. Even household handymen will appreciate digital measuring tapes and device-charging power wheels. These products are slick stuffers that will surely find themselves in the stockings of all good boys and girls.
Sweet and Savory
Whether candy loving children or chocolate connoisseurs, those with a sweet tooth won’t be disappointed by edible gifts. A generous stuffing of irresistible treats like gourmet Godiva squares and scrumptious Lindt truffles are bound to incite holiday hype, while those Christmas-themed tinfoils wrapped around bland chocolates are an ultimate letdown. However, melting at the bottom of felt-lined stocking resting under the fireplace mantle, yummy candies hallmark the holiday season but can end up a sticky mess. The candy cane staple and generic mix of red and green M&Ms — which usually become the go-to for anxious nibblers — while tasty and satisfying, are still less desirable sweets.
Bath and Bubbles
With cheap bath sets and overly-scented lotions lining the aisles and stocking the shelves in every department store, these simple gifts are nothing more than convenient stuffers that usually pile up in the bathroom cupboard. Though tiny tubes of ChapStick mixed with other beauty products are useful in winter weather, smelly soap sets and sticks of deodorant are merely stock items, which generally imply that a hygiene makeover is needed before the New Year. While prettily packaged and potently perfumed, these little bath accessories are momentarily exciting but ultimately unwanted.