The second-ranked Ithaca women’s crew team lost to seventh-ranked William Smith College in the final home regatta of the season today at Cayuga Inlet.
The novice 8 posted a first place finish, defeating William Smith with a time of 7:18.7 seconds. William Smith finished with a time of 7.27.0 seconds. The novice 8 now stands at 5–1 overall this season.
The first women’s varsity 8 lost with a time of 6:50.2 seconds, while the William Smith Herons finished with a time of 6:45.2 seconds.
The second women’s varsity 8 fell short by 1.4 seconds, finishing in 7:04.1 seconds. William Smith finished in 7:02.5 seconds.
The third women’s varsity 8 had a losing time of 7:37.0 seconds. William smith finished the race in 7:35.2 seconds.
The South Hill squad will travel to Lake Quinsigamond in Worcester, Mass. next Saturday to take on College of the Holy Cross, Connecticut College and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.