Sex was the topic of discussion at the Residence Hall Association’s annual Sex Fest Monday night as more than 150 students mobbed IC Square for free condoms, prizes and a discussion about safe sex.
Sex Fest is a traditional RHA event that strives to educate students about safe sex.
Sophomore Faith Lambert, RHA member and the organizer of Sex Fest, said she spent two months planning the event. IC Feminists; IC VOX, a group allied with Planned Parenthood to raise awareness about where students can go to maintain their sexual health; SAFER, or Students Active for Ending Rape; and Spectrum, an on-campus LGBT affiliated group, were all present to add information to the safe sex discussion.
Lambert said she believes it’s important for students to be educated about safe sex because our generation is flooded with sexual images from the media and some people fail to see the negative consequences of unhealthy sexual behavior.
“There are so many incurable diseases,” Lambert said. “Why wouldn’t you protect yourself from a possible issue you could prevent?”
Senior Tiffany Valentin, a member of IC VOX, said she was surprised by the amount of students looking for complimentary condoms.
“It was crazy,” she said. “They were behaving like they had never seen condoms before.”
Spit That provided the entertainment for the night, opening its act with a poem titled “Vagina” and following that up with a satirical piece about heterosexual marriages. Lambert said after going to one of Spit That’s events, she heard “Vagina” and decided the poem would be perfect for Sex Fest. The poem discussed the trials of suffering through periods and menopause.
RHA’s raffle gave away five vibrators, vibrating massagers and cock rings at the event to 15 lucky attendees. Freshman Alexander Brown won a vibrator in the raffle, which he sold to a female student for $10. Brown said he enjoyed the event and continued to dance as students filed out.
“It was amazing,” he said.
The event included a banana condom race, a competition to apply a condom to a banana correctly and quickly, and story jumble, a puzzle to see who could correctly identify the proper timeline and manner in which a person meets and gets to know another before engaging in sexual intercourse.
Valentin said she was pleased with the event’s turnout, which was similar in number to that of recent years. She said it was exciting to see students discussing safe sex, as one student pointed out that there was an unsafe, broken condom on the table.
“It was great,” Valentin said. “It was nice to see people being safe.”