While Ithaca College could build a single roof over its sustainability initiatives for increased visibility, it should not permanently house its diverse practices in only one location.
If the college established an Office of Sustainability like other institutions across the country, the office should be a resource for students, faculty and organizations interested in improving campus sustainability.
If the office is college-run, it wouldn’t be wise to mandate that students and campus organizations become part of the facility. These organizations are affiliated with the college, but are student-run and have student-driven agendas — not institutional ones.
Such independent efforts have shepherded our campus toward more equitable and ecological success. Groups like Frack Off and Slow Food have been able to protest hydraulic fracturing and petition for more local foods on campus. However, there is still a lack of interdependency among all the groups working toward sustainability.
The college must create multiple sustainability committees focused on food, energy and the environment among other efforts. These committees could have volunteer representatives from different student and faculty groups to get diverse input and a 360-degree perspective on sustainability issues at the college.