This movie officially marks the centenary of John Carter’s creation by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and just by viewing this extended scene, it’s no surprise how ridiculous of a difference one-hundred years in cinema makes. Michael Giacchino once again works wonders with the score here, and the visuals are simply astonishing. John Carter is a former Civil War Confederate Army captain who’s somehow taken to Mars in order to help save the dying planet by negotiating peaceful alliance with the inhabitants. I admit, the premise and trailer makes it seem like a hybrid of Avatar and/or Attack of the Clones, but, c’mon, that’s like saying either:
1. That Nina Simon ripped off “Feeling Good” from Muse
2. Paul McCartney ripped off “Let it Be” from Justin Beiber, or
3. Pocahantas was a rip-off of Avatar.
…You just gotta know which came first. Arguably, John Carter laid the groundwork for 21st Century Hero Cycle based tales of science fiction and fantasy, like the Lil’ Kim of early sci-fi nostalgia that feuds with something that wouldn’t exist without the foundations laid out by said Lil’ Kim impersonation. Hopefully this film doesn’t get anywhere near that level of comparable weirdness.
Tl;dr, this extended preview of John Carter will BLOW YOUR MIND, or at least become a serious contender for watching when it comes out March 8th.
John Carter Extended Sneak Peek
Be sure to stick around for Live Oscar Coverage by me later tonight! Well, live as in I’ll be writing all my thoughts while it takes place and THEN posting it when it’s over. Heh Heh heh.