Allie Healy: Did you study music at Ithaca College?
Sam Lupowitz: I majored in English, but spent half my time in the music school doing what I wanted to do.
AH: What were some classes that you took that helped you with your music career?
SL: I would say all of the orchestration classes, jazz arranging, choral arranging — those were all big ones. Even the music theory classes were very helpful. The higher level ones that were kicking my butt, those were really helpful. Also getting to play with the other musicians, that was very educational.
AH: Who are the band members and what do they play?
SL: Besides myself, Will Gelder is on guitars, Jason MacDermott on the drums, Josh Rollin plays the trumpet, keyboards, accordion, percussion, and Drew Serafini is on the bass.
AH: How did your band form? Did you all have an interest in becoming a band?
SL: I have been playing my stuff as a pianist and vocalist around Ithaca for some time. I really wanted a band because nothing is better than playing with a band. So I looked for a bass player and drummer to have a trio like Ben Folds, and that would be that. I knew of Will, and he told me about Jason. Josh plays a wide variety of instruments, so we brought him aboard. Our band keeps growing. At our record release party we are even going to have a horn section play with us and a little soul choir.
AH: Is this the first record you have released?
SL: This is the first record for my band, but I did play on two records for a band I was in during high school called The Flying Pigs.
AH: How do you feel about your first record for this band?
SL: It’s something that I have worked really hard on. I love recording and arranging; when you record something you love, you can sculpt it. I love seeing that coming together and having my friends help out. I feel very fortunate to have so many people who are enthusiastic and supportive. I feel very blessed and grateful that this is now done.
Samuel B. Lupowitz and The Ego Band will have a record release party at 10 p.m. Friday at The Nines in Collegetown.