For “This Week in Social Media” we aggregated tweets from the Twithaca hashtag that have been used by the Ithaca community to promote local events and disseminate news about the 2014 city budget.
#Twithaca first appeared on Twitter at the end of January 2010 as a way for Ithaca community members to meet each other — known as a “tweetup.” Since the start of #Twithaca, it has gone viral and is used by the Ithaca community, especially on East and South Hill. @Twithaca is also a twitter handle where community members can tweet about Ithaca or use the hashtag to “discuss the best/worst in our town.” The hashtag has turned into a way for the community to share town and college events.
This week’s #Twithaca roundup included tweets about weather, construction on The Commons, and local events at the State Theatre and Dewitt Park. The following is a sample of how people used #Twithaca this week.