November 8
Medical Assist/Illness Related
Location: Tallcott Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person coughing, unable to speak and having a hard time moving. Person was transported to the Hammond Health Center. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded. Assistance was provided.
Medical Assist/Injury Related
Location: Bogart Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person feeling faint and unable to stand. Officer reported person fell and injured their head. Person transported to hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded.
SCC College Regulations
Location: K-Lot
SUMMARY: Parking Services reported person violated parking rules and regulations. Officer judicially referred one person for violation of college regulations.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Property Damage
Location: S-Lot
SUMMARY: Caller reported two-car property damage due to a motor vehicle accident. Officer issued one driver a campus summons for unsafe backing. Patrol Officer Lance Clark responded.
Petit Larceny Over $200
Location: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported uknown person stole camera. Patrol Offier Jenny Valentin responded.
Medical Assist/Psychological
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person left suicidal notes. Person taken into custody under the mental hygiene law and transported to the hospital. Patrol Officer Corrine Searle responded.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred four people for unlawful possession of marijuana. Master Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw responded.
November 9
Medical Assist/Illness Related
Location: Muller Faculty Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported person passed out and not breathing. Officers, Environmental Health and Safety, the Ithaca Fire Department and ambulance staff performed CPR. Person transported to hospital by amublance.
Forcible Touching No Degree
Location: James J. Whalen Center
for Music
SUMMARY: Caller reported third-hand information that one person had sexual physical contact with another person without consent. Incident reported to Title IX and not Public Safety. Lieutenant Tom Dunn responded.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana and underage possession of alcohol.
November 10
Criminal Mischief 4th Degree
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged whiteboard. Master Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw responded.
Criminal Possession of Marijuana 5th Degree
Location: Campus Center Quad
SUMMARY: Officer reported people smoking marijuana. Officer judicially referred three persons for criminal possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain responded.
Change in the Case Status
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: Master Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw idenitified the person responsible for damaging whiteboard. Officer judicially referred person for criminal mischief and for responsibility of guests. Second person was restricted from
the campus.
SCC Disruptive/Excessive Noise
Location: Bogart Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported persons yelling. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol judicially referred and reported four people for noise violation and one for irresponsibility of guests.
Burglary Unlwaful entry/No Force 2nd Degree
Location: Circle Apartments Building 12
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person entered residence and stole television. Master Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw responded.
Burglary Unlwaful Entry/No Force 2nd Degree
Location: Circle Apartments Building 180
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person entered residence and stole television, video game console and laptop computer. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded. Investigation pending.
Burglary Unlwaful Entry/No Force 2nd Degree
Location: Circle Apartments Building 10
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person entered residence and stole television, video game console and accessories. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon responded.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
Location: Circle Apartments Building 190
SUMMARY: Officer reported person in possession of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Jenny Valentin responded.