April 1
Medical Assistance/Psychological
Location: Terrace 4
SUMMARY: Caller reported person suffering from delusional thoughts. Officer transported person to the counseling center. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock provided assistance.
Suspicious Letter/Email
Location: General Services
SUMMARY: Caller reported receiving suspicious letter not addressed to current resident. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded.
Unlawful Posting/Advertisement No Degree
Location: L-Lot
SUMMARY: The Office of Environmental Health and Safety staff reported person placing advertisements on vehicles.
April 2
Medical Assistance/Illness-Related
Location: Williams Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person complaining of pain and difficulty breathing. One person was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Making Graffiti No Degree
Location: Terrace 6
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person wrote graffiti on a mirror. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded.
Fire Alarm accidental
Location: Circle Apartments Building 151
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation due to smoke from cooking. The alarm was accidental.
SCC Fire Safety Related Offenses
Location: Circle Apartments Building 151
SUMMARY: The Office of Environmental Health and Safety reported covered smoke detectors. Officers judicially referred three people.
SCC Drug Violations
Location: Terrace 5
SUMMARY: Officer reported odor of marijuana. Patrol Officer Neena Testa responded judicially referred one person for violation of drug policy.
April 3
Petit Larceny
Location: James J. Whalen Center for Music
SUMMARY: Person reported unknown person stole a stool. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded to the incident.
Harassment 2nd Degree
Location: Gannett Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported known person sending unwanted emails and phone calls.
Change in the Case Status
Location: Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management
SUMMARY: Officer reported that the health department identified the dog that bit a person April 1.
Off-Campus Incident
Location: All Other
SUMMARY: Caller reported person broke a tooth while eating. Sergeant Don Lyke responded.
Falsely Reporting an Incident
Location: Terrace 9
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by malicious activation of the fire alarm system. Patrol Officer Khien Nguyen responded to the incident.
April 4
Defective Smoke Detector
Location: Williams Hall
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm activation. Activation caused by defective smoke detector.
Suspicious Person
Location: Roy H. Park Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person made eye contact then left. Patrol Officer Neena Testa responded to the incident.
Check on the Welfare
Location: Circle Apartments Building 180
SUMMARY: Caller reported no contact with a person for several days. Officer Neena Testa responded.
April 5
Criminal Mischief 4th Degree
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged window screen. Patrol Officer Shawn Lansing responded.
Medical Assistance/Psychological
Location: Terrace 11
SUMMARY: Caller reported difficulty sleeping. Officer transported person to the counseling center.
Rape 3rd Degree
Location: Terrace 11
SUMMARY: Complainant reported thirdhand information that a person had sexual intercourse with another person without consent. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded.
Suspicious Circumstance
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: Complainant reported unknown person made two phone calls asking to be contacted about fraud to their account.
April 6
SCC Disruptive/Excessive noise
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: Officer reported loud music coming from a locked room. Officer judicially referred four people for noise violation.
SCC Drug Violations
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred two people for violation of the drug policy.