August 19
Safety hazard
Location: West Tower
SUMMARY: The caller reported two bicycles chained to a loading dock railing. Environmental Health and Safety placed confiscation notices on the bicycles. Tim Ryan, assistant director for EH&S, responded.
Accidental Property Damage
Location: Facilities Maintenance Building
SUMMARY: Officer reported accidental property damage to vehicle paint when vehicle was washed. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
V&T License violations
Location: Not reported
SUMMARY: The caller reported finding a wallet and turned it over to the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management. The officer reported the wallet contained a fictitious driver’s license. Patrol Officer Lance Clark responded. The investigation is pending.
August 20
Medical Assist/Injury-related
Location: Eastman Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported a person injured after lacerating their hand while moving items. The person was transported to the hospital by a personal vehicle. Patrol Officer Sophia Dimkos responded.
Burglar No Force Second Degree
Location: Clarke Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported an unknown person entered the room and stole cash. Patrol Officer Sophia Dimkos responded. The investigation is pending.
Larceny Fourth Degree Over $1,000
Location: Landon Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported an unknown person stole a box containing a costume and other items. Sergeant Don Lyke responded. The investigation is pending.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Property-Damage
Location: Tower Skyline Drive
SUMMARY: The officer reported a motor vehicle accident with vehicle and curb property damage. Sergeant Don Lyke responded. Â
August 21
Assist Tompkin’s County Sheriff’s OfficeÂ
Location:State Route 96B/Danby Road
SUMMARY: The caller reported a two-car accident with personal injury. Bangs Ambulance and IFD assisted. Ithaca College Officers assisted with traffic control until Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office arrived. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded.
Medical Assist/Injury-Related
Location: Hood Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported
injuring their nose when it struck a table Aug. 20. The person received medical assistance from the Health Center staff. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock responded to the incident.
Medical Assist/Injury-Related
Location: Terraces
SUMMARY:Caller reported dropping a glass bottle and cutting their foot. The person declined further medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded.
August 23
Fire Alarm Accidental
Location: Circle Apartment Building 150
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. The activation was caused by steam from a shower. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble responded to the incident.
Trespass No Degree
Location: Natural Lands
SUMMARY: The officer reported several people on recreation trail after hours. The officer issued seven people warnings. Master Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded.
Fire Alarm Accidental
Location: Circle Apartment Building 110
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. The activation was caused by burnt food. Master Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded.
August 24
SCC Drug Violations
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: The caller reported an odor of marijuana. The officer judicially reported three people for violation of the drug policy. Security Officer Joe Opper responded.
Fire Alarm Accidental
Location: Circle Apartment Building 141
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. The alarm was activated when a person was cooking food. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded to the incident.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
Location: Natural Lands
SUMMARY: The officer reported people in possession of marijuana. The officer judicially referred two people for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded to the incident.
SCC Fire Safety Related Offenses
Location: Circle Apartment Building 151
SUMMARY: The officer reported a candle burning. Environmental Health and Safety staff judicially referred one person for a fire safety violation. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
August 25
Medical Assist/Illness-Related
Location: East Tower
SUMMARY: The caller reported an unconscious person on the floor. The officer reported the person’s condition was a result of sleepwalking. Master Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded.Â