January 27
Medical Assist/Injury Related
LOCATION: Bogart Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported a person who fell and hit their head was now suffering from dizziness, nausea and pain. The person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Patrol Officer Sophia Dimkos responded.
Fire/Actual Fire/Flame/Ignition
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
Building 211
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation was caused by a fire in a toaster oven. A fire extinguisher was used to put the fire out. Patrol Officer Brian Versoza responded.
January 28
Suspicious Circumstance
LOCATION: Landon Hall
SUMMARY: A person reported that in December 2019 an unknown person had knocked on the window asking for entry into the building. Patrol Officer Shawn Lansing responded.
Medical Assist/Injury Related
LOCATION: Whalen School of Music
SUMMARY: The caller reported a person was feeling faint, fell and hit their head. The person was transported to Hammond Health Center by an officer. Security Officer Joe Opper responded.
SCC Bullying or Cyberbullying
LOCATION: All campus
SUMMARY: The caller reported being bullied by members of a group. Patrol Officer John Norman responded.
January 29
Larceny Over $200
LOCATION: Campus Center
SUMMARY: The caller reported an unknown person stole their
backpack. Patrol Officer Kevin
McClain responded.
Change in the Case Status
LOCATION: Campus Center
SUMMARY: The caller reported the backpack originally stolen Jan. 29 from the Campus Center was located and turned over to public safety. The item was not stolen. The officer determined the item was not stolen and the incident was unfounded. Master Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw responded.
Assist NY State Police
LOCATION: All Campus
SUMMARY: Tompkins County 911 Center reported NY State Police were attempting to locate a person for a welfare check. NY State Police reported the person was located at an off-campus location. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon responded.
Suspicious Circumstance
LOCATION: Terraces
SUMMARY: The caller reported overhearing two unknown people talking and one person asking the other about possessing a
weapon. The officers were unable to locate the people involved. The investigation is pending. Patrol Officer Daniel Redder responded.
January 30
Scheme to Defraud Second Degree
LOCATION: Garden Apartment 25
SUMMARY: The caller reported an
unknown person tried to arrange fraudulent payments for items this person was selling online. The investigation is pending. Patrol Officer John Norman responded.
Acts of Dishonesty
SUMMARY: The officer reported a vehicle was found to have a fraudulent parking permit and the vehicle was towed from campus. One person was judicially referred for acts of dishonesty. Security Officer Jordan Bartolis responded.
Criminal Tampering Third Degree
SUMMARY: During health and safety inspections, the caller reported marijuana paraphernalia and a plastic bag covering a smoke detector. The officer determined the paraphernalia was not used for drugs and judicially referred a person for tampering with fire safety equipment. Master Patrol Officer Robert Jones responded.
January 31
SCC Irresponsible Use of Alcohol/Drugs
LOCATION: Hilliard Hall
SUMMARY: The caller reported a person had ingested marijuana. The person was transported to the hospital by ambulance and referred
judicially for irresponsible use of drugs. Patrol Officer Brian Versoza responded.
V&T Leaving Scene of an Accident
SUMMARY: A person approached an officer and reported that one vehicle damaged another and left the scene. Security Officer Joe
Opper responded.
Criminal Tampering Third Degree
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: The officer reported an unknown person bent an electrical outlet cover. The investigation is pending. Sergeant Donald
Lyke responded.
February 1
Trespass No Degree
LOCATION: Recreation Trails.
SUMMARY: The officer reported two people on trails after hours. A warning was issued. Master patrol Officer Waylon Degraw responded.
Suspicious Vehicle
SUMMARY: The officer reported two people were in a parked vehicle. The officer determined that the persons were talking and no assistance was needed. Master Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw responded.
SCC Disruptive/Excessive Noise
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: The officer reported a noise complaint. The officer judicially referred two people for a noise violation. Security Officer Kevin
English responded.