August 23
SCC Underage Possession of Alcohol
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: The Office of Residential Life reported two people were referred for underage possession of alcohol. An officer issued a conduct referral.
August 24
Medical Assist/Illness Related
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person injured their knees, elbow and hip after falling on the sidewalk Aug. 23. The officer reported that the person declined medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw responded.
Petit Larceny Over $200
LOCATION: Campus Center
SUMMARY: A caller reported that an unknown person stole money from their wallet. Patrol Officer Sophia Dimkos responded.
Change in the Case Status
SUMMARY: An officer reported that a parking permit that was reported stolen Febuary 2021 in the U-Lot was determined not to be stolen, but was misplaced by the owner. Larceny was determined to be unfounded. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon responded.
August 25
Motor Vehicle Accident/Property Damage
SUMMARY: A caller reported a two car property damage motor vehicle accident. Master Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
August 26
Sexual Misconduct No Degree
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person received an unwanted and unsolicited video from a person. Master Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
Burglary No Force 3rd Degree
LOCATION: Landon Hall
SUMMARY: A caller reported that an unknown person entered a room and stole cash. Master Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
Fire Alarm Accidental
LOCATION: Circle Apartment Building
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm was activated. The officer reported that the alarm activation was caused by burnt food. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain responded.
August 27
Medical Assist/Injury Related
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a person fell off a bed and hit their head. The officer reported that the person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded.
August 28
SCC Irresponsible Use of Alcohol/Drugs
LOCATION: Circle Apartment Building
SUMMARY: Tompkins County dispatch reported that a person passed out after smoking maijuana and drinking alcohol. The officer reported that the person was transported to the hospital by ambulance and was referred for irresponsible use of alcohol. Patrol Officer Sophia Dimkos responded.
SCC Irresponsible Use of Alcohol/Drugs
SUMMARY: A caller reported intoxicated person sleeping in area. The officer reported one person was referred for irresponsible use of alcohol and possession of a fictitious license. Patrol Officer Mark Jones responded.
SCC Harassment/Intimidation/Endangering
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a known person was making multiple slanderous remarks about another person. The officer reported that the person was issued a verbal warning for conduct code violation. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones responded.
LOCATION: All Campus
SUMMARY: A caller reported that a known person was attempting to make contact with them after being instructed not to. The officer reported that campus restriction notices were issued to both parties involved. Master Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw responded.
August 29
V&T Leaving Scene of an Accident
LOCATION: Circle Lot 4
SUMMARY: A caller reported that an unknown vehicle caused damage to their vehicle and left the scene. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain responded.
Fire Alarm Accidental
LOCATION: Circle Apartment
SUMMARY: Simplex reported that a fire alarm was activated. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones reported that the alarm was caused by burnt food. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain responded.