July 28
Motor Vehicle Accident
LOCATION: Campus Center Quad
SUMMARY: Caller reported a motor vehicle accident and property damage involving a motor vehicle and a pole. Report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
V&T Leaving Scene of Accident
LOCATION: Butterfield Stadium
SUMMARY: Officer reported that an unknown vehicle damaged a gate and then left the scene. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
July 29
Dangerous Weapon
LOCATION: College Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported that an unknown person left a round of
ammunition in their apartment. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
July 30
LOCATION: Rothschild Place
SUMMARY: Caller reported that an unknown person stole a laptop computer. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw.
August 1
Safety Hazard
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person disposing of biohazard garbage bags in dumpster. Environmental Health and Safety determined that bags can be treated as trash. Environmental Safety Specialist Mark Ross.
August 3
Accidental Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Landon Hall
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation caused by dust from contractors. System reset. Master Patrol Officer Donald Lyke.
Accidental Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Landon Hall
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation caused by dust from contractors. System reset. Master Patrol Officer Donald Lyke.
SCC College Regulation
LOCATION: Terrace 12
SUMMARY: Caller reported a person was sleeping in lounge and not scheduled to be on campus until Aug. 16. Pending investigation. Master Patrol Officer John Elmore.
August 5
Injury Related Medical Assist
LOCATION: Fitness Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported that a sink had fallen and injured a person’s knee. The injured person declined any medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer Donald Lyke.
Safety & Environmental Hazard
LOCATION: Conservatory Drive
SUMMARY: Officer reported a vehicle was leaking anti-freeze. Area was cleaned. Fire Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
August 6
V&T Leaving Scene of Accident
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown vehicle and left the area. Pending investigation. Patrol Officer Waylon DeGraw.
August 7
Off-Campus Incident
SUMMARY: Ithaca Police Department reported investigation of person being stabbed in the City of Ithaca. Pending IPD investigation. Communications Specialist Brad Fisher.
August 8
SCC Acts of Dishonesty
LOCATION: Alumni Circle
SUMMARY: Officer reported that a vehicle was stopped for unsafe backing. Officer found the operator in possession of a fraudulent license. Officer judicially referred the person for acts of dishonesty and issued a warning for unsafe backing. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.
August 10
Suspicious Person
LOCATION: 146 Conservatory Drive
SUMMARY: Officer reported a person was found sleeping in area. Person declined any offers of assistance and was advised that building was closed. Master Patrol Officer Dan Austin.
Off-Campus Incident
LOCATION: Cayuga Medical Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported being held against their will. Officer determined person was safe and not being held against their will. Communications Specialist Brad Fisher.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: College Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation caused during testing. System reset. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Unable to determine the cause for fire alarm activation. System was
reset. Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
August 12
Suspicious Person
LOCATION: Boathouse 692 Third Street
SUMMARY: Caller reported a person was found sleeping. The officer advised the person of private property and issued a warning regarding trespassing. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Welfare Check
SUMMARY: Caller reported they have been unable to contact person since June 2015. Pending investigation. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: Office of Public Safety
SUMMARY: Officer reported contact made with person regarding welfare check. No further assistance needed. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Found Property
SUMMARY: Person found two sets of keys and they were turned in to public safety. Patrol Officer Steve Ward.
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: Office of Public Safety
SUMMARY: Officer reported lost keys returned to owner. Case closed. Patrol Officer Steve Ward.
August 13
Off-Campus Incident
SUMMARY: Caller reported vehicle damage. Unknown how damage occurred. Pending investigation. Master Patrol Officer Brad Bates.
August 14
LOCATION: Fitness Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported persons inside outdoor pool area. Two persons judicially referred for trespass. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.