Feb. 1
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Facilities parking lot
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged window on vehicle. Investigation
pending. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by cooking smoke. System reset. Fire
and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
Unlawful Surveillance
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Complainant reported dispute between two people and possible unlawful
surveillance occurring in December 2015. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Don
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset.
Sergeant Terry O’Pray.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset.
Sergeant Terry O’pray.
Gas Alarm
LOCATION: Terrace 8
SUMMARY: Simplex reported carbon dioxide activation. Activation caused by faulty blower fan.
Maintenance repaired and system reset. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Feb. 3
V&T Leaving Scene of an Accident
SUMMARY: Complainant reported unknown vehicle damaged parked vehicle and left the scene.
Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Cause was undetermined. System reset. Fire and
Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by cooking. System reset. Fire
Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
SCC Fire Safety Related Offenses
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported burning odor. One person judicially referred for burning a candle.
Fire Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Terrace 7
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset. Patrol
Officer Lance Clark.
Assist Park Police
LOCATION: Office of Public Safety
SUMMARY: New York State Park police arrested person for driving while intoxicated and
requested The Office of Public Safety conducted breath test. Master Patrol Officer Don Lyke.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred three people for
unlawful possession of marijuana and violation of drug policy. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Feb. 4
SCC Fire Safety Related Offenses
LOCATION: Garden Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Officer determined activation caused by burnt food
left unattended. Officer judicially referred one person for fire safety related offense. Patrol
Officer Steve Ward.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Garden Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food left unattended.
System reset. Patrol Officer Steve Ward.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Ben Light Gymnasium
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having difficulty breathing. Person declined medical
assistance from ambulance staff. Master Patrol Officer Brad Bates.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Center for Natural Sciences
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Undetermined cause for activation. System reset. Fire
and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
SCC Acts of Dishonesty
SUMMARY: Complainant reported fraudulent permit displayed on parked vehicle. Investigation
pending. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: The Office of Title IX reported for documentation purposes a sexual assault
occurred between two known people on 08/24/2015. Complainant did not report the incident
to Public Safety. A report was taken. Sergeant Tom Dunn.
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: The Office of Title IX reported for documentation purposes a sexual assault
occurred between two known people on 10/04/15 and 10/05/2015. Complainant did not report
the incident to Public Safety. A report was taken. Sergeant Tom Dunn.
Safety/Environmental Hazard
SUMMARY: Officer reported unknown fluid spill possibly oil or paint. Area cleaned. Fire and
Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Person reported unknown person made harassing and threatening phone
messages. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Suspicious Circumstance
SUMMARY: Caller reported finding one round of ammunition. Investigation pending. Master
Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Feb. 5
Off Campus Incident
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Complainant reported two car property damaged motor vehicle. Accident occurred
on 02/04/2016. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Motor Vehicle Accident
SUMMARY: Caller reported two car property damage motor vehicle accident, two vehicles
backed into each other. A report was taken. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Check on Welfare
LOCATION: Farm Pond Road Pond
SUMMARY: Caller reported person walked over embankment toward pond yelling. Officer
reported person wearing headphone and singing.
Feb 6
LOCATION: Garden Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person made threatening statement toward them. Investigation
pending. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Suspicious Circumstance
LOCATION: All campus
SUMMARY: Officer reported person sent email reporting third hand information about people
yelling threatening statements at others. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Don
Motor Vehicle Accident
LOCATION: Conservatory Drive
SUMMARY: Caller reported one car property damage motor vehicle accident, vehicle in ditch. A
repot was taken. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Feb. 7
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported noise complaint with noncompliance and requested officer for
assistance. Officer judicially referred two people for failure to comply and noise violation.
Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Holmes Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having suicidal ideation. One person taken into custody
under mental hygiene law and transported to the hospital. A report was taken. Master Patrol
Officer Don Lyke.
Exposure of person
SUMMARY: Officer reported suspicious vehicle occupied by two people. Officer judicially
referred two people for exposure. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
SCC Irresponsible Use of Alcohol
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported intoxicated person vomiting. Officer judicially referred one person
for irresponsible use of alcohol. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Hilliard Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person feeling ill and vomiting for multiple hours. One person
transported to hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset. Master
Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.