April 4
Off Campus Incident
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Caller reported person made threatening phone calls. Officer advised person to report incident to law enforcement agency of jurisdiction. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
Motor Vehicle Accident
SUMMARY: Caller reported two car property damage motor vehicle accident. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
V&T Leaving Scene
LOCATION: Textor Circle
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown vehicle damaged vehicle and left the scene. Investigation pending. Sergeant Tom Dunn.
Motor Vehicle Accident
SUMMARY: Caller reported two car property damage motor vehicle accident. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
Change in Case Status
LOCATION: Circle Lot 9
SUMMARY: Caller reported seeing the vehicle that left the scene of the accident on Textor Circle this date. Officer identified the operator of the vehicle and accident report completed. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Whalen Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged sign on bulletin board. Investigation pending. Sergeant Tom Dunn.
Assist Tompkins County Sheriff
SUMMARY: Multiple callers reported two car motor vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Officer reported one vehicle has person entrapped. Ithaca Fire Department freed person from vehicle and person declined medical assistance from ambulance staff. Officers assisted with traffic and Tompkins County Sheriff’s Deputy investigated accident. Sergeant Tom Dunn.
V&T Leaving Scene
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Blvd.
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown vehicle damaged vehicle and left the scene. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
April 5
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Blvd.
SUMMARY: Officer reported unknown person damaged blue light phone. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
Motor Vehicle Accident
LOCATION: Lyceum Drive
SUMMARY: Caller reported one car property damage motor vehicle accident occurred on 04/04/2016. A
report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Rothschild Place
SUMMARY: Complainant reported falling on ice at bottom of stairs and injured back and leg. Person declined medical assistance. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Dan Austic.
SCC Drug Violations
LOCATION: Terrace 2
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for drug violations. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
April 6
Medical Assist
LOCATION: Park School
SUMMARY: 911 Center reported person having a seizure. Person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Fire Protection Specialist Enoch Perkins.
Off Campus Incident
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Caller reported person feeling depressed and having suicidal thoughts. Officer contacted Ithaca Police Department. A report was taken. Master Patrol Officer Don Lyke.
April 7
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Grant Egbert Blvd.
SUMMARY: Officer reported vehicle stopped for inadequate headlamps and officer found marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana and issued a warning for inadequate head lamps. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
V&T Leaving Scene
SUMMARY: Complainant reported unknown vehicle damaged parked vehicle and left the scene. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw.
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: Williams Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole headphones on 04/04/2016. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Criminal Mischief
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged vehicle. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
SCC Underage Possession
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person with open container of alcohol. One person judicially referred for underage possession and open container of alcohol. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.
Criminal Possession
LOCATION: Terrace 9
SUMMARY: Caller reported person with marijuana paraphernalia. Officer determined paraphernalia was used for tobacco not marijuana. Officer also found stolen exit signs. Officer judicially referred one person for criminal possession of stolen property. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
SCC Drug Violations
LOCATION: Terrace 11
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred three people for drug policy violation and failure to comply with college official. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
April 8
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by cooking. System reset. Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman.
SCC Compliance
LOCATION: Terrace 11
SUMMARY: Officer reported attempting to interview two people regarding drug policy violation from 04/07/16 in Terrace 11. Officer judicially referred two people for failure to comply. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
Petit Larceny
SUMMARY: Complainant reported unknown person stole parking permit and jacket from vehicle. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Don Lyke.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having allergic reaction after smoking marijuana. Person transported to hospital by ambulance and judicially referred for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported control knob fell inside heater causing fire. Fire extinguished itself. A report was taken. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred two people for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Lance Clark.
April 9
SCC Drug Violations
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having difficulty breathing after ingesting marijuana. Person was transported to hospital by ambulance and judicially referred for violation of the drug policy. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
SCC Open Alcohol
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Officer reported person with open container of alcohol and person slightly intoxicated. Officer judicially referred one person for open container. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Clarke Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported damage to exit sign. Damage was determined to already been reported.
Suspicious Circumstance
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person left aerosol cartridges. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Clarke Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged glass in door. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Clarke Hall
SUMMARY: Officer reported unknown person damaged exit sign. A report was taken. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
Petit Larceny
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Officer reported unknown person stole face plate of exit sign. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon.
Suspicious Package
LOCATION: Gannett Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported a suspicious package. Package determined to be safe.
Medical Assist
SUMMARY: Caller reported person may have frostbite to hand. The Health Center reported they do not treat for frostbite and person declined medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer Brad Bates.
April 10
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged exit sign. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Talcott Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported odor of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer Mayra Colon.
SCC Irresponsible Use
LOCATION: Terrace 7
SUMMARY: Caller reported person passed out. Person declined medical assistance with ambulance crew and judicially referred for irresponsible use of alcohol. Security Officer Clayton Skinner.
Criminal Mischief
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged vehicle. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Brad Bates.
Criminal Mischief
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged vehicle. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Brad Bates.
Fire Alarm
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Simplex reported fire alarm. Activation caused by burnt food. System reset. Master Patrol Officer Chris Teribury.
Reckless Endangerment
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person threw chair out of the window which fell onto ground below. A second chair was also damaged and the screen to the window. Investigation pending. Master Patrol Officer Steve Rounds.