The current disregard by some faculty for turning in textbook titles on time takes away from potential interest in a course. It also limits students when registering for classes.
Faculty should make greater efforts to submit textbook information before the start of the registration period. Not only does this give students more opportunity to find the books they need at reasonable prices, but also gives them a better understanding of what a certain class will be about.
Understandably, some professors are not assigned to a course until long after registration. There are also those who inform students early and encourage them to buy used books with ample time.
Not knowing the cost of expensive textbooks prior to the semester is costly for students because they cannot research other purchasing or renting options. Adding a textbook last minute, or changing the textbook after a class starts, may cause a student to drop the course altogether. Affordability should be the driving force for turning in textbook selections on time.
With registration for the spring semester taking place Nov. 12-16, faculty should take care to submit their textbook information to the bookstore by Nov. 4. Even though the bookstore is not a student’s only option for purchasing books, having the listings available to look at during registration will certainly help in choosing classes.