We are Unity for Tibet, writing to let other students know that there will be posters on the quads and quotations on some doors to spread awareness about Tibet and about the extremes to which some have gone to protest terrible conditions there.
Tibet is a small independent nation, but in 1950 China invaded, and conquered the country by 1959. Tibetans living there do not have basic human rights today. Currently, the world does not know about the violation of human right occurring in Tibet. In the case of Chinese communist government’s point of view, they believe that they are “improving” Tibet’s infrastructure and economy. Since 1959, there has been great amount Han Chinese moving into Tibet to occupy the land. However, Tibetans view China’s presence as an occupation, and threat to their cultural survival. Legal issues notwithstanding, Tibetans suffer from suppression of their beliefs, education in their language, and free to practice of their religion.
One hundred forty-eight Tibetans have in recent years immolated themselves in order to call the rest of the world’s attention to these intolerable conditions. The youngest was the age of 15, and many monks and nuns have also burned themselves alive for their cause. We ask that people on our campus take a moment to consider these facts. In support of Tibet, you can join Unity for Tibet — a campus club — or post a picture online of the Tibetan flag, or post a picture of the posters on the quad and tag it with #UnityforTibet. As well, those in support of Tibet can join on March 10 the annual Uprising Day demonstrations, one of which will be held in downtown Ithaca.
Thank you for your attention to these serious issues.
Tsering Lama, President, Unity for Tibet
Ngawang Chime, Event Coordinator
Zhaxi Qucuo, Treasurer