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The Student News Site of Ithaca College


David Prunty, executive director of auxiliary services and Shared Governance task force member, talked about shared governance to community members at an event held last October. Prunty recently said the task force is unable to affect the power of the Board of Trustees and the President's Council due to a stipulation in the Ithaca College policy manual — something faculty have criticized in the most recent shared governance draft.

Shared governance task force unable to adjust power of president

By Matt Ristaino, Staff Writer April 19, 2017
Criticisms remain about the power the Ithaca College Board of Trustees and the President’s Council still have in the most recent Shared Governance draft.
From left, Lisa Barnard, assistant professor in the strategic communication department; Duncan Duke, assistant professor in the management department; and Chris Hummel, associate professor in the exercise and sports science department, listen to the discussion at the Dec. 1 Faculty Council meeting.

Faculty Council to choose reps for Shared Governance task force

By Grace Elletson, Staff Writer December 2, 2015
The Ithaca College Board of Trustees asked the Faculty Council to pick two faculty members to serve on a task force evaluating the governance structure at the college.
The Provost’s Task Force on ICC Revision was a 19-member committee of staff, faculty and students. The task force reviewed, evaluated and developed proposals for the changes to the ICC.

ICC task force has finalized revision proposal

By Syd Pierre, Staff Writer April 22, 2021
Ithaca College’s Provost’s Task Force on Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) Revision has revised and finalized its proposal on the ICC.
Linda Petrosino, provost and vice president for educational affairs, speaks to members of the Faculty Council in the VIP Room in Athletics and Events Center at the college on Oct. 19 2016.

New shared governance draft shows few significant changes

By Sophia Adamucci and Sophie Johnson March 22, 2017
Faculty Council Chairman Tom Swensen said he thinks the new draft is relatively similar to the previous one.
From left: Off-Campus Senator Charlotte Robertson and Class of 2018 Senator Connor Friend participate is discourse at the Nov. 7 SGC meeting. At this meeting, The Shared Governance Task Force visited the SGC to garner feedback on their most recent charter.

IC’s Student Governance Council struggles to propose legislation

By Sophia Adamucci, Staff Writer November 9, 2016
The SGC passed nine bills in the Fall 2015 semester and an estimated eight bills in the Fall 2014 semester, according to the SGC's website.
Linda Petrosino, provost of the college, addressed the Faculty Council at their Nov. 1 meeting about concerns they have on the proposed shared governance draft.

Faculty and staff have concerns about shared governance draft

By Nicole Pimental, Staff Writer November 2, 2016
Since the release of the shared governance draft, sent out to the campus community via email Oct. 24, faculty and staff have expressed concerns.
Editorial: Top-down issues remain in new governance model

Editorial: Top-down issues remain in new governance model

By The Ithacan October 26, 2016
Many problems with representation and power still exist, leaving the power centralized with the president’s office.
Pictured fourth from left, Tom Swenson, chairman of Faculty Council, said he has concerns with the proposed shared governance draft sent out to the campus community in an email Oct. 24.

Shared governance draft proposes new council to receive proposals

By Nicole Pimental, Contributing writer October 26, 2016
The draft proposal for a shared governance structure at Ithaca College was released to the campus community for review in an email Oct. 24.
Linda Petrosino, provost and vice president for educational affairs, speaks to members of the Faculty Council in the VIP Room in Athletics and Events Center at the college on Oct. 19 2016.

Shared governance draft to be shared with college community

By Nicole Pimental, Contributing writer October 19, 2016
The Ithaca College Shared Governance Task Force announced that it will present a draft of its shared governance proposal to the campus Oct. 24.
The Ithaca College Shared Governance Task Force held listening sessions to solicit feedback from the campus community March 1, 2 and 3. Since then, key individuals involved in this process say there are still issues that need to be resolved and communicated to the campus community.

Campus leaders say issues still exist with shared governance

By Sabrina Knight, Senior Writer May 9, 2016
As the Shared Governance Task Force prepares to meet with the Ithaca College Board of Trustees this month to provide an update on its progress, key individuals involved in this process say there are still issues that need to be resolved and communicated to the campus community.

Editorial: Shared Governance group fails to motivate campus

March 23, 2016
Having no clear vision to propose to the community provides little motivation for people to get involved and contribute to this vision — a vicious cycle of counterproductiveness.
The Ithaca College Shared Governance Task Force held listening sessions to solicit feedback from the campus community March 1, 2 and 3. Since then, key individuals involved in this process say there are still issues that need to be resolved and communicated to the campus community.

Ithaca College campus community discusses shared governance

By Justin Henry, Staff Writer March 8, 2016
“I think not only being transparent, but being able to deliver,” he said. “When people feel like it impacts them, they want to be involved in that process.”
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