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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Photo Essay

Ithaca community members gathered at Rally for Hope and Justice on Feb. 7 at the Bernie Milton Pavilion on The Commons.

Photo Essay: Ithaca community members organize three rallies against ICE and in support of sanctuary status

By Lucia Iandolo, Photo Editor February 13, 2025
On Jan. 30, Jesus Romero-Hernandez was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the Tompkins County Department of Social Services. Community members came together to promote unity and protest against ICE’s presence in Ithaca. There were three demonstrations, two taking place on The Commons and one in City Hall. 
There were a variety of succulents and containers available, ranging from glass jars, small mugs and even a ceramic ladybug. Students were invited to choose their pot and plant in whatever combination they liked.

IC Hillel hosts Tu B’Shevat Succulent Planting

February 5, 2024

On Jan. 25, IC Hillel hosted a succulent planting event in the CNS Greenhouse, where students were invited to plant their own succulents and take them home.

About 200 people gathered Nov. 9 at Klarman Hall in Cornell University at a die-in to protest against genocide and express solidarity with Palestine amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war that began Oct. 7.

Community members express solidarity for Palestine during die-in protest held at Cornell University

November 12, 2023
On Nov. 9, Cornell University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine organized a protest and die-in to stand in solidarity with Palestine amid the Israel-Hamas war that began Oct. 7. Students as well as locals attended the die-in and protest, which began outside Klarman Hall and proceeded inside where participants lied on the floor.

Take Back the Night

May 3, 2023

On Friday April 28, students, faculty and staff from Ithaca College, Cornell University, Lehman Alternative Community School and members of the Ithaca community gathered on The Commons for the annual Take...

Ithacon 46 was held at Ithaca College on April 22 and 23, featuring comic books for sale, fans, artists and cosplayers.

Comic book convention returns to Ithaca for 46th year

April 25, 2023

Since 1976, the Comic Book Club of Ithaca has been organizing Ithacon, a local comic book-centered convention. With the exception of 2020, Ithacon has been running annually for members of the Ithaca community...

From left, seniors Sammi Frieri, Al Hillebrandt, Hallie Kessler, Delia Vaisey and Em VanWagoner perform one of Premium Blend's alumni songs, "Alone" by Heart, at the end of their Block IV Concert on April 1.

A cappella groups host senior send-offs

April 5, 2023

Ithacappella, Ithaca College’s all-male identifying a cappella group, hosted its Block 4 Concert on March 25 in Emerson Suites. The concert was dedicated as a senior send-off for their two graduating...

Students gathered around Free Speech Rock outside of Phillips Hall to listen to faculty members' stories, reflections and concerns with the institutionalized discrimination on Ithaca College's campus.

IC Rise Up works with faculty members in solidarity walkout

March 31, 2023

IC Rise Up held a first walkout March 8, where students of color were encouraged to share their stories and frustrations with their experiences on Ithaca College's campus. On March 29, a second walkout...

Sophomore Lizelle Hill poses in the middle of the opening to a hip hop routine to “THE Dynasty” choreographed by sophomore Irena Rosenberg and performed by members of the Ithaca College Pulse Hip Hop dance group on March 24 in the Emerson Suites.

IC Tap Club hosts first showcase in five years

By Kalysta Donaghy-Robinson March 28, 2023

For the first time since 2018, the Ithaca College Tap Club put on a showcase in the Emerson Suites on March 24. Collaborating with several other dance clubs on campus including IC Unbound, Pulse Hip Hop,...

Fall on Film

Fall on Film

By The Ithacan Photo Staff, The Ithacan Photo Staff November 2, 2022

To commemorate 90 volumes of publication, The Ithacan photo staff decided to honor traditional photography practices and capture the autumn season on film. Taking photographs of hiking trails, life on...

For the second year after the hiatus caused by the pandemic, the 40th annual Apple Harvest Festival was in full swing for all to enjoy. Vendors from across the Northeast came to celebrate the local Ithaca festival.

40th annual Apple Harvest Festival unites Ithaca community

By The Ithacan Photo Staff, Ithacan Photo Staff October 4, 2022

The Ithaca community gathered together to celebrate the 40th annual Apple Harvest Festival on The Commons from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2. After its triumphant return last fall from the hiatus of the COVID-19...

These two not-so-spooky ghosts glided from apartment to apartment dressed in sunglasses and bows Oct. 24 at the Circle Apartments Autumn Fest.

Halloween spooks the Ithaca community

By The Ithacan Photo Staff, The Ithacan Photo Staff November 3, 2021
During this Halloween season there were festive halloween events held all around campus for the week of Halloween.
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