Title IX has been a beacon of protection since it was passed in 1972 but it is also a rather weak promise. Students are at the whim of rotating administrations who use policies like Title IX as cannon fodder for their own interests.
Ithaca is one of many sanctuary cities in the United States. Sanctuary cities are meant to be a haven for immigrants seeking refuge; somewhere to feel protected. Yet, in the U.S. right now, no sanctuary...
On Jan. 18, TikTok was put on hold for U.S. users after the Biden administration banned the app through a bill signed by former President Joe Biden in April 2024. The app may be co-parented by a Chinese...
Students have been frustrated semester after semester by the overlapping schedule for courses. These issues are extremely annoying, especially when registering and trying to participate in clubs and athletics.
Ithaca is known for its beautiful gorges, lavish gardens, organic farms, fine wineries and loving community. Yet, the most notable thing about the city is the mesmerizing art produced and cared for by locals.
The concept of media literacy has been rising in both journalistic circles and common discussions across campus — accusations of being “media illiterate” or assumptions that media literacy is solely an issue for those interested in communications have become a common refrain. But the concept of media literacy is not a new force, and efforts to expand the course offerings throughout the college reflect a growing interest in the field.
Lately, I’ve heard all kinds of responses when talking to people before and after the election. I’ve heard people afraid of the current state of the world, I’ve heard people afraid of deportation, environmental catastrophe, economic downturn, discrimination and the decline of democracy. I’ve heard that people are afraid.
Ithaca College has a history of staff and program cuts that have created a feeling of unrest both in the student body and staff. The return of Huron Consulting Group on campus is not an immediate cause for concern from an academic standpoint, as it may lead to the strengthening of the institution as a whole. But for employees of the college, patterns of academic prioritization due to COVID-19 have raised warning signs.
No politician, party or policy can save or condemn us. In the wake of election results that may put many of Ithaca College’s community members at risk, we need a reminder that our civic duty does not end or begin with Election Day.
I write this note of gratitude in memory of Professor George Schuler (1935–2024) who passed away on September 7. I suspect his former colleagues and students have plenty of stories to share about his warm humanity, open-mindedness and caring nature, and this is mine.
Independent bookstores are the heart of any community, and in Ithaca, Buffalo Street Books proudly fulfills that role for locals, students and visitors alike. As an Ithaca College alumni who has made their home in Ithaca, Buffalo Street Books has been a shining beacon of what it means for a local organization to serve its community above all. That’s why, in a time of crisis for the store, it is imperative that the college’s community stand behind this iconic Ithaca institution.