January 7
Medical assistance
Location: Not reported
SUMMARY: Tompkins County 911 center advised Ithaca College that the New York State Police was investigating a complaint that a person had made comments about harming themselves and that this person was going to a building on campus. The person was taken into custody under the mental hygiene law, and they were later transported to the hospital. Master Patrol Officer Jon Elmore responded to the incident.
Fire alarm–accidental
Location: Circle Apartments Building 141
SUMMARY: Simplex reported that a fire alarm was activated. Patrol Officer Neena Testa responded to the incident and determined that the activation was caused by burnt food.
Fire safety related offenses
Location: Circle Apartments Building 141
SUMMARY: Simplex reported that a fire alarm was activated. Officer determined activation of the alarm was caused when a person left food unattended cooking on the stove. Officer judicially referred the person. Patrol Officer Neena Testa responded.
January 8
Medical Assistance/Injury Related
Location: Campus Center Quad
SUMMARY: Officer reported falling and injuring shoulder and neck. Person declined medical assistance. Master Patrol Officer Waylon Degraw responded to the incident.
Safety Hazard
Location: Circle Apartments Building 12
SUMMARY: Caller reported hammock on balcony had come loose, was hanging down and blocking the boiler exhaust vent. Officer and maintenance resecured the hammock and fixed the problem. Sergeant Ron Hart responded.
January 9
Check on the Welfare
Location: Circle Lot 03
SUMMARY: Caller reported two people arguing. Officer determined one person had an anxiety attack. Person declined medical assistance. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain responded to the incident.
Chemical Spills
Location: Center for Natural Sciences
SUMMARY: Caller reported contained mercury spill. Environmental Health and Safety staff responded. Assistant Director Tim Ryan responded.
January 10
Medical Assistance/Illness Related
Location: Campus Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported a person complaining about chest pains. The person was transported to the hospital. Federal Protective Service Officer Enoch Perkins responded.
Off-Campus Incident
Location: Not reported
SUMMARY: Complainant reported damage to vehicle. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded to the incident and wrote a report.
January 11
Criminal Trespass 3rd Degree
Location: James J. Whalen Center for Music
SUMMARY: Officer reported people inside the building after hours. Sergeant Chris Teribury judicially referred two people for trespass.
Disorderly Conduct
Location: Circle Apartments Building 131
SUMMARY: Tompkins County 911 Center reported receiving a non emergency call from a person who stated that they were afraid and the call ended. Tompkins County 911 Center determined that the call was from Ithaca College. Patrol Officer Kevin McClain determined that two people had an argument and the person was not in fear for their safety.
January 12
Off-Campus Incident
Location: Not reported
SUMMARY: Caller reported that a person made a threat over social media. The person was advised to report the incident to a local police agency. Patrol Officer BryanVerzosa responded.
Change in Case Status
Location: Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management
SUMMARY: Officer reported interviewing a person regarding a burglary reported Nov. 26 in Circles Apartment 170. Patrol Officer Lance Clark determined that the resident of the apartment damaged the bedroom door of the apartment and no burglary had occurred. The officer judicially referred six people for providing false information.
Suspicious Circumstance
Location: Circle Apartments Building 120
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person pushed on a door twenty minutes ago. Officer checked the area, and no one was found in the area. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded to the incident.
Fire Alarm Accidental
Location: Circle Apartments Building 120
SUMMARY: Simplex reported a fire alarm. Activation was caused by burnt food. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa responded to the incident. The situation was accidental.
January 13
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
Location: Terrace 5
SUMMARY: During a health and safety inspection, caller reported finding marijuana paraphernalia. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento responded to the incident.