Melanie Stein, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, met with the Ithaca College Student Governance Council at its Feb. 10 meeting to discuss upcoming changes to the college’s academic calendar, scheduling grid and the Academic Policy Committee.
SGC also heard from Cliff-Simon Vital, interim director of the BIPOC Unity Center, about this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Campus-Wide Celebration Week, held Feb. 10-16.
Though Thanksgiving break has come to an end, Ithaca College’s next break creeps right around the corner as students prepare for their last weeks of classes and finals. In addition to studying for finals, many students have to deal with the extra stress of traveling. From finances and logistics to weather conditions, there are various factors they need to consider when getting ready for the holiday break.
There are several changes to the academic calendar starting Fall 2023 onward, including an April break, changes in semester start dates, Maymester offerings and more.