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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Cathy Crane, associate professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences and Studies, releases new documentary titled “Crossing Columbus.”

Professor depicts days in the desert in new documentary

By Katie Krom, Staff Writer February 17, 2021
Cathy Crane, associate professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences and Studies, releases new documentary titled “Crossing Columbus.”
Senior Joe Cruz writes about the current U.S.-Mexico border issues and how biases against America's indigenous people and Mexicans are further escalating the issue and increasing the tensions surrounding it.

Commentary: Walls are built from thoughts, not just by blood and bricks

By Joe Cruz January 30, 2019
Despite our shared dystopian circumstances, we must remain optimistic, not for ourselves but for one another.
The School of Americas Watch 2018 Border Encuentro hosted an “Overnight Vigil in Solidarity with the Refugee Caravan” on the Arizona side of the border Nov. 17. The vigil also included a die-in, which protested the deaths and disappearances of those who attempted to cross the southern border. The encuentro was held from Nov. 15 to 18 in Arizona and Mexico.

Students protest violence at the Arizona-Mexico border

By Grace Elletson, Maggie McAden, and Ryan King November 28, 2018
A group of Ithaca College students recently took a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border to not only challenge these policies they deem as violent and oppressive but also to bring to light  neoliberal econom
Mike Titlebaum is the saxophonist in his band, Music Because Music. The band brings together Ithaca College students, professors, alumni and Ithaca residents.

Music professor’s band brings local musicians together

By Jake Leary, Life and Culture Editor September 6, 2017
We just want to bring beauty and joy and positive energy as often as we can to as many people as we can.
Donathan Brown, assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies, recently co-authored a book entitled "Voting Rights under Fire: The Continuing Struggle for People of Color," in which he discusses the many debates surrounding the right to vote.

Commentary: Belief in extensive voter fraud is misguided

By Donathan Brown September 1, 2015
We are extremely confident saying widespread voter fraud is a myth and indeed retrogressive.

Phoenix, U2 Concert, Moving to DC, and Craziness

By Christina Tudor June 7, 2015

A few days ago, someone called me the blogging expert. I smiled at the compliment but felt a twinge of guilt in my stomach as thought about how long it had been since I cracked open WordPress and hit the...

The Hot Stove: Indiana legislation impedes the Final Four

By Steve Derderian, Columnist March 31, 2015
Columnist Steve Derderian discusses how the recent "religious freedom" bill could affect the Final Four.
Students from the outdoor immersion program visited Colorado, California and Utah as part of their 90-day journey.

Outdoor adventure leadership majors adventure travel across America

By Steve Derderian, Senior Writer October 8, 2014
12 outdoor adventure leadership majors spent 90 days adventure traveling across America in Spring 2014.

The Hot Stove: Why summer college baseball matters

By Steve Derderian, Columnist August 26, 2014
Steve Derderian shares his opinion on summer collegiate baseball and why the sport has expanded beyond being just a sporting event.

‘Harvest of Empire’ director discusses ethnic studies

By Emily Ramos, Contributing Writer September 25, 2013
Contributing writer Emily Ramos spoke with Eduardo Lopez about producing the documentary version of “Harvest of Empire.”
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