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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

'The Intersection' - A Conversation with Justin Li

‘The Intersection’ – A Conversation with Justin Li

By Frankie Walls, Managing Editor November 3, 2021

The Ithacan · 'The Intersection' - A Conversation with Justin Li In this week’s episode, host Frankie Walls talks with Justin Li ’21, an Asian American filmmaker. Li discusses his own experiences...

'The Intersection' - A Conversation with Alyssa Carbonell

‘The Intersection’ – A Conversation with Alyssa Carbonell

By Frankie Walls, Frankie Walls March 4, 2021

The Ithacan · 'The Intersection' - A Conversation with Alyssa Carbonell This week, host Frankie Walls sits down with junior Alyssa Carbonell to discuss her experience as an Asian American woman at...

Commentary: Asian-Americans lack visibility in entertainment industry

Commentary: Asian-Americans lack visibility in entertainment industry

By Christine Hwang September 3, 2019
AAPIs were the only minority group that saw a decrease in representation during the 2015–2016 season on New York City stages, as reported by the Asian American Performers Action Coalition.
Cast members of "Interstate" stand onstage during a musical number. "Interstate" is about two queer Asian American artists, Adrian and Dash, as they form a band and tour the United States.

Student awarded for lead musical role tackling identity

By Kara Bowen, Life and Culture Editor August 28, 2018
“. . . It blew me away because for the first time I felt like there’s a role written for me, and I’ve never really felt that before,” Saha said.
Ithaca College students stand in different locations around the campus for the #takeitback campaign. Attached to each photo on Facebook is a written post in which the subject explains their struggles with labels. Awwad has compiled over 35 images of students and the collection is still growing.

#takeitback: Student combats labels with social media campaign

By Kate Nalepinski, Life & Culture Editor February 1, 2017
Alisar Awwad created the #takeitback Project in an effort to “take back” her own identity and empathize with others.

Not an A-plus math student

By Frances Johnson May 4, 2016
Year after year of math classes, many of my Asian-American classmates would ace their math tests while I hoped for a B-minus or better.
Senior Randy Wong-Westbrooke was recently accepted to the United States Institute for Theatre Technology’s Gateway Program, which provides mentorship for underrepresented students.

Senior theater student participates in diversity mentorship program

April 29, 2016
Senior Randy Wong-Westbrooke, a theater production arts major, was recently selected for the United States Institute for Theatre Technology’s Gateway Program, which provides mentorship for students who are underrepresented.

The Asian-American vote

By Frances Johnson April 19, 2016
The Asian-American vote is the lowest among the major racial and ethnic groups, which leaves many people asking why.
Students gathered at the Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival in 2015. This year's festival will be held April 27 in the Park Auditorium.

Film festival to focus on Asian-American stories

By Ashley Wolf, Staff Writer April 13, 2016
The second-annual Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival will take place from April 15–17 and feature films focusing the Asian-American narrative.
Derald Wing Sue, professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, presented on the topic of microaggressions and their occurrence in higher education to 200 audience members at Ithaca College's Engaging Communities Luncheon March 8.

Annual Ithaca College speaker discusses microaggressions

By Annie Estes, Contributing Writer March 9, 2016
Derald Wing Sue presented on the topic of microaggressions and their occurrence in higher education as the keynote speaker at the college’s seventh annual Engaging Communities Luncheon March 8.

My ethnicity is not a fetish

By Frances Johnson February 17, 2016
I can’t describe the discomfort that goes through my body whenever men — mostly white men — tell me they exclusively date Asian women.

Asian men have often been misrepresented in television shows

By Frances Johnson, Columnist December 9, 2015
However, 2015 has been a minor breakthrough year for Asian-Americans on screen.
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