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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

SGA President Marieme Foote brings a passion for social justice to the role of SGA president and said she hopes to continue the critique of the college that POC at IC began last fall, but in the context of the college’s governance structure.

IC SGA president brings passion for social justice to office

By Max Denning, Staff Writer September 12, 2016
“This year, I’m really going to take that space and critique the campus, the leaders on campus and the structures that exist,” Foote said.
Collective momentum: College activists drive institutional change

Collective momentum: College activists drive institutional change

By Faith Meckley and Sophia Tulp January 28, 2016
Students protesting the racial climate at Ithaca College are not the only ones finding a collective voice with which to address institutionalized racism. In a tumultuous fall semester, at least 75 other colleges and universities have begun bringing their demands for change to their administrations.
Editorial: Faculty Council vote suggests shift in power

Editorial: Faculty Council vote suggests shift in power

November 12, 2015
The fact the vote is happening shows that power is beginning to fall into new hands.
Provost Benjamin Rifkin speaks at the "Addressing Community Action on Racism and Cultural Bias" event Oct. 27 in the Athletics and Events Center.

Q&A: Provost discusses future plans and confidence in Rochon

By Aidan Quigley November 11, 2015
"I think that these accomplishments demonstrate that we have a great president."
Peter Rothbart, chair of Faculty Council, speaks at the Nov. 10 Faculty Council meeting. Rothbart has received criticism for Faculty Council's decision to release the results of the faculty vote of "no confidence" to President Tom Rochon and the Board of Trustees before the rest of the campus community.

Faculty Council votes to hold no confidence vote

By Grace Elletson and Max Denning November 11, 2015
Ithaca College faculty members will vote in a referendum on the issue of confidence in President Tom Rochon.
SGA Senator Charlotte Robertson casts her vote Oct. 26 to initiate a student vote of no confidence in President Tom  Rochon. Students can vote until 4 p.m. Nov. 30 via the survey sent out through email by the SGA on Nov. 4.

Commentary: No confidence vote is necessary for progress

By Charlotte Robertson November 4, 2015
We can’t expect change and we can’t move forward if we do not first vote no confidence in Tom Rochon.

Humanities and Sciences faculty to call for no confidence vote

By Ana Borruto, Staff Writer October 30, 2015
A majority of H&S faculty members who attended a Faculty Senate meeting Oct. 29 voted in favor of sending the motion, according to an email sent to H&S faculty obtained by The Ithacan.
Members of the Ithaca College faculty chant "Tom Rochon, no confidence" along with students who took stage at the “Addressing Community Action on Racism and Cultural Bias” event in the A&E Center Oct. 27.

Ithaca College faculty discuss no confidence vote in president

By Aidan Quigley, News Editor October 28, 2015
Members of the Ithaca College faculty are discussing holding a vote of no confidence in President Tom Rochon.
Student Government Association senators Charlotte Robertson and Kaitlin Logsdon vote at the Oct. 26 meeting. The senate passed a bill to initiate a student vote of no confidence in President Tom Rochon. The polls will open Nov. 4.

SGA to initiate student vote of no confidence in Tom Rochon

By Evan Popp, Staff Writer October 28, 2015
In response to recent campus protests, racial tensions and issues of exclusivity, the Ithaca College Student Government Association passed a bill Oct. 26 to initiate a student vote of no confidence regarding President Tom Rochon.
Matt Orama graduated from Ithaca College in 2014. Since the AEPi and Blue Sky racial controversies, he has been involved in advocacy through several social media movements using hashtags on Facebook and Twitter.

Open Letter to the Board of Trustees: Alumnus demands action on campus racial issues

By Matt Orama October 21, 2015
The college and its leadership may continue to be silent. We, however, will not.
From left, Jeff Ives, professor in the exercise and sport sciences department; Derek Wallace, assistant to the dean in the music department; and Julie Hickman-Godoy, associate director for financial aid, participate in the Blue Sky Reimagining Kick-Off event discussions Oct. 8.

Open Letter: Faculty disappointed with Blue Sky kickoff

By Ithaca College Faculty October 19, 2015
In its guiding assumptions, the event appeared to dismiss and even disparage the idea that a rich and valuable undergraduate education is critically tied to what happens in the classroom, where close, diligent and serious attention to intellectual ideas, problems and texts are the central focus.
Dom Recckio, Student Government Association President, wrote an open letter to the Ithaca College community Oct. 9.

Open Letter: SGA president deems Blue Sky kick off ‘unacceptable’

By Dom Recckio October 12, 2015
The Blue Sky Kickoff that happened on October 8, 2015, from 3-5pm in Emerson Suites was an exercise in exclusivity and privilege. At an institution that claims to have a commitment to excellence, the Blue Sky Reimagining event was antithetical to our mission.
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