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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Angélica Carrington, director for the Center for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Social Change  (IDEAS), said by providing culturally validating spaces, the center works to empower marginalized students.

SGC talks student advocacy and hosts two guests speakers

By Lorien Tyne, Assistant News Editor March 30, 2022
Two guest speakers joined SGC at its March 28 meeting and imparted information about student advocacy, mental health and housing.
Following recent incidents involving Ithaca College students in Downtown Ithaca, Dean of Students Bonnie Prunty and Bill Kerry, executive director of the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, are reminding students to be safe and aware of their surroundings. 

College encourages student safety in Ithaca community

By Caitlin Holtzman, News Editor December 1, 2021
Dean of Students Bonnie Prunty and Bill Kerry, executive director of the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, are reminding students to be safe and aware of their surroundings.
In an email to current juniors, Dean of Students Bonnie Prunty and Rosanna Ferro, vice president of the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life, announced the launch of the Senior and Graduate Housing Community, which will be located in Eastman Hall. Seniors and graduate students can live in the community for either one semester or both during the 2022–23 academic year.

Resident assistants submit proposal for full room and board coverage

By Phoebe Harms, Staff Writer October 3, 2018
In February 2018, Ithaca College resident assistants submitted a budget proposal to have their compensations raised to 100 percent of the cost of room and board. The proposal is now on hold in the pre
Bonnie Prunty, the recently appointed dean of students, spoke with the SGC about her goals in the newly created position at the April 23 meeting.

Dean of students speaks with SGC about student concerns

By Laura O’Brien, Staff Writer April 25, 2018
One initiative Prunty plans to work on next academic year is streamlining the process of reporting issues that involve students.
Luca Maurer, LGBT Education, Outreach and Service program director, cowrote a chapter on trans housing policies with Bonnie Prunty, director for Residential Life and Judicial Affairs.

Q&A: Staff members write chapter on trans-inclusive housing

By Meaghan McElroy April 4, 2018
Opinion Editor Meaghan McElroy spoke with Maurer about the book, the college’s history of trans housing policies and what makes the college’s policies so unique.
Ron is Ithaca College sophomore Eliot Willenborg's emotional support animal. Willenborg said Ron helps him feel a sense of responsibility.

Ithaca College sees increase of support pets on campus

By Bridget Bright, Contributing Writer October 11, 2017
Support pets have been rising substantially on college campuses throughout the country and at the college since 2012.  
Class of 2020 Sen. Sarah Horbacewicz addressing the SGC April 10 about her bill titled "The CAPS Initiative."

SGC passes bill to address CAPS issues

By Ryan King, Staff Writer April 12, 2017
The CAPS Initiative, which was sponsored by Class of 2020 Sen. Sarah Horbacewicz, seeks to address issues that some students experience at CAPS.
While many staff said they enjoy working at the college, problems persist with morale, communication and a fear of speaking out.

IC staff members express lingering working condition concerns

By Evan Popp, Staff Writer October 26, 2016
While many staff said they enjoy working at the college, problems persist with morale, communication and a fear of speaking out.
The Ithaca College Shared Governance Task Force held listening sessions to solicit feedback from the campus community March 1, 2 and 3. Since then, key individuals involved in this process say there are still issues that need to be resolved and communicated to the campus community.

Ithaca College campus community discusses shared governance

By Justin Henry, Staff Writer March 8, 2016
“I think not only being transparent, but being able to deliver,” he said. “When people feel like it impacts them, they want to be involved in that process.”
Ithaca College has announced its new open-housing policy — a housing option that enables students to select roommates regardless of their sex or gender. Freshmen Anna Gardner and Joe Simpson plan on utilizing the open-housing policy in the fall.

Ithaca College allows students of different sex to be roommates

By Elena Piech, Staff Writer February 23, 2016
Ithaca College recently announced its new open-housing policy, allowing students to select roommates regardless of sex or gender.
A rape in the third degree reportedly occurred between 1:15 a.m. and 4 a.m. Jan. 22 near Boothroyd Hall at Ithaca College.

Ithaca College to begin diversity and inclusion initiatives

By Jessica Ferreira, Staff Writer February 9, 2016
A work group formed in October 2015 between Residential Life and Public Safety is currently focusing on the creation of a community review board to make decisions about concerns regarding Public Safety.
Students have begun the annual search for off-campus housing for next year.

Moving Out: Ithaca College students look to move off campus

By Mary Ford, Life & Culture Editor October 21, 2015
For those interested in off-campus housing for the 2016–17 school year, now is the time to start making decisions.
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