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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Third from left, sophomore Daniel Igoe marches at The Bristol Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin, with a group of other costume-clad workers. Igoe began working with the fair two years ago and said he found a community through it.

Q&A: History major time travels with Renaissance fairs

By Olivia King, Staff Writer August 28, 2019

History has the potential to be highly interactive and relatable given the right circumstances — Renaissance fairs are one way to bring history to life. Fairs often combine crafting, costuming and performance...

Senior Cole Faulkner reflects on his time studying abroad in London around the first Brexit referendum, and supports the movement for a second referendum before the U.K. withdraws from the EU.

Commentary: U.K. needs to consider second Brexit referendum

By Cole Faulkner April 16, 2019
I think that a second referendum would be a great idea for Britain, a country that does not seem prepared to leave the EU.

College increases international students

By Kayla Dwyer, Contributing Writer October 2, 2013
As the Office of Admission finalized its enrollment numbers for 2013 on Tuesday, it revealed a two-fold increase in international student enrollment since 2009

Gene therapy could bring relief to heart patients

By Amanda Hutchinson, Contributing Writer April 30, 2013
For the most part, we can’t control our genes. No amount of hair dye will make me anything other than a natural blonde, no amount of stretching will make me any taller, and no contacts or glasses will make my natural vision any better because that’s what the combination of As, Ts, Cs, and Gs…
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