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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

February Shneck, student employee at the Center for LGBT Education, magnifies trans student's voices with their idea for the annual Trans Visibility Exhibition.

Trans Visibility Exhibition promotes joy and resistance in annual display

By Mariana Contreras, Newsletter Editor March 22, 2025

Joy is resistance. That’s the theme of the 2025 annual Trans Visibility Exhibition at Ithaca College, an exhibit that will take place from 5-7 p.m. March 28 in the Campus Center lobby. The exhibit provides...

The Ithaca College LGBT Center, located in the Towers Concourse, launched its Binders and More program to offer students an order-based shop for gender-affirming undergarments.

LGBT Center opens specialized clothing program

By Virginia Bentley, Contributing Writer September 25, 2024
In Fall 2024, the Ithaca College Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services opened a new program to help students: the Binders and More program, also called BAM! Using internal funding and donations, the BAM! program offers a special-ordering system where students can order one gender-affirming undergarment per academic year for free. BAM! offers different types of gender-affirming undergarments, including chest binders, chest flattening tape and tucking/gaff underwear.
The CDC is calling the spread of monkeypox an outbreak because of the increase in case numbers above what is normally expected. In a 2003 monkeypox outbreak, 47 cases were reported within the U.S., which was the first time human cases of monkeypox were found outside of Africa. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared monkeypox a national health emergency Aug. 4.

Tompkins County and IC work to prevent monkeypox cases

By Lorien Tyne, Assistant News Editor September 7, 2022
Tompkins County Health Department and its campus partners like Ithaca College are working to prevent continued spread of the monkeypox virus.

Rainbow Reception Held for LGBT Students

On April 29, Ithaca College held its annual Rainbow Reception in Emerson Suites. The reception is for LGBT graduating seniors to receive their rainbow cords that are worn at graduation.

LGBTQ Valentine’s Celebration

By Mack Rovenolt, Mack Rovenolt February 16, 2022

Luca Maurer, director of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services, is now additionally serving as the interim executive director for Student Equity and Belonging for the remainder of the 2021–22 academic year. Lauren Goldberg, executive director for Hillel at Ithaca College, is now additionally working as part-time interim director of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.

Staffing changes made in two departments after director departs

By Jillian Bleier, Assistant News Editor December 1, 2021
Recent staffing changes have been made in the Ithaca College Department of Student Equity and Belonging and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.
The SGC met with Luca Maurer, director of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services, who went over the resources on campus for LGBT+ students at its Sept. 13 meeting. 

SGC passes one bill at first meeting of fall semester

By Mel Andia, Contributing Writer September 15, 2021
SGC passed its first bill of the semester — the Employee Vaccination Bill — and met with Luca Maurer.
Bill Kerry, director of the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, said that development for the app began in Fall 2019 and that it should be completed during Spring 2020. He also said that in addition to the Public Safety office, Information Technology and the Office of College Communications helped to develop the app too. 

Public Safety receives feedback about app from SGC

By Sam Haut, Senior Writer February 5, 2020
Bill Kerry, director of the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, discussed a Public Safety app with the SGC on Feb. 3.
Avery Santiago is one of the students being honored at this year's Rainbow Reception. The reception is in place to honor LGBT students and their hard work.

Rainbow Reception celebrates LGBT student achievements

By Ashley Stalnecker, Staff writer April 9, 2019

As the semester comes to an end, members of the Class of 2019 at Ithaca College will be participating in several ceremonies, collecting their graduation regalia and preparing for graduation. LGBTQ students...

From left, juniors Jackie Venom and Thomas Conti participate in the college's inaugural workOUT event March 30.

Fitness Center hosts LGBTQ event to promote inclusivity

By Sam Haut, Staff Writer April 3, 2019
It had been an intense workout. Participants had their hands on their knees, breathing heavily. They had endured 45 minutes of exercise after exercise, each one increasing in difficulty.
Senior Avery Santiago, a GLAAD ambassador, is one of the organizers of the inaugural “Valentine’s Gay” LGBTQ pride-prom. The dance is free and will take place from 7–9 p.m. Feb. 22 in Clark Lounge.

‘Valentines Gay’ prom to celebrate LGBTQ love

By Hannah Fitzpatrick, Staff Writer February 20, 2019
IDEAS will host the inaugural “Valentines Gay” LGBTQ pride prom from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 22 in Clark Lounge.
Luca Maurer, Program Director for the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services on  campus, speaks with graduate student Steve Ganett during the second annual PRIDE night.

PRIDE Night promotes positivity during basketball games

By Matt Maloney, Staff Writer February 13, 2018
The second annual PRIDE night occurred during the Bombers' double-header against Clarkson University on Feb. 9.
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